Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
The prognostic value of semiquantitative nuclear grading inedometrial carcinomas. Gynecol Cnceel 65 : 115-120,1997
Local immune response in endometrial carcimomas or, J, Obstet, Gynecol 104 : 110-114, 1997
Clinicopathologic study of endometrial Cancer
MISC (14):
Histopathologic analysis of the loparoscopically treated ovarian endometriotic cysts with special reference to loss of follicles. Human Reproduction. 2002. 94, 700-706
Histopathologic analysis of the loparoscopically treated ovarian endometriotic cysts with special reference to loss of follicles. Human Reproduction. 2002. 94, 700-706