Research field (1):
Ecology and environmental science
Research keywords (6):
ecological stoichiometry
, phylogeography
, life history strategy
, distribution
, plankton
, DNA baracode
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
2018 - 2021 Ecology, genetics, and beta diversity of zooplankton in "managed floodplain" rice paddies
2015 - 2019 Establishment and application to lake ecosystem of next generation monitoring system
2015 - 2018 Effects of farm-pond and paddy-field constructions on the diversity of aquatic microcrustaceans
2013 - 2016 Functional roles of reproductive mode in persisting population and maintaining genetic diversity of daphnia species.
2012 - 2015 Conservation palaeontology: protecting future biodiversity by past information
2011 - 2013 Ecological stoichiometry for explaining habitat segregations in freshwater copepods
2010 - 2012 Mitigation of stoichiometry effects on biological interactions by biodiversity.
2007 - 2008 Population genetic structure of freshwater zooplankton in Japan
2004 - 2006 「コスモポリタン的」動物プランクトンの生活史特性と遺伝子組成の湖沼間比較
2002 - 2003 植食性動物プランクトンにおけるファシリテーション効果
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Papers (72):
Ishara Uhanie Perera, Natsumi Maruoka, Xiaofei Tian, Wataru Makino, Jotaro Urabe. Niche partitioning and phylogenetic distance of rotifer species revealed by the four-year temporal dynamics in a small mountain lake. Limnology. 2024
Yurie Otake, Mai Kurokawa, Natsumi Maruoka, Megumi Nakagawa, Wataru Makino, Jotaro Urabe. Taxonomic re-evaluation of the Brachionus calyciflorus species complex (Rotifera) in Japanese freshwaters. Limnology. 2024
Hiromichi Suzuki, Wataru Makino, Shinji Takahashi, Jotaro Urabe. Assessment of toxic effects of imidacloprid on freshwater zooplankton: An experimental test for 27 species. Science of The Total Environment. 2024. 927. 172378-172378
Natsumi Maruoka, Kenyu Yamaki, Wataru Makino, Jotaro Urabe. To lose is to win: Long-term co-occurrence of two asexual populations realized by a dormant strategy of the inferior competitor. Functional Ecology. 2024
Wataru Makino, Hiromichi Suzuki, Yurie Otake, Syuhei Ban, Jotaro Urabe. The first report of the non-indigenous Chydorus brevilabris Frey, 1980 (Crustacea: Cladocera) in Asian freshwaters. Limnology. 2023
2022/03 - Best Paper Award of the Plankton Society of Japan Feeding ecology of a mysid species, Neomysis awatschensis in the Lake Kasumigaura: combining approach with microscopy, stable isotope analysis and DNA metabarcoding
2021/03 - English Oral Presentation Audience Special Award Untangling lineages of freshwater copepods having a broad geographical range: The cases of Cyclops vicinus and C. kikuchii