J-GLOBAL ID:200901086506557747
Update date: Sep. 27, 2022
Karino Tsutomu
カリノ ツトム | Karino Tsutomu
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
, Science education
Research keywords (4):
, 素粒子の模型と構造
, Science Education
, Model and Structure of Particles
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 中・高等教育段階における物理概念形成過程の実践的研究
- B,D中間子の非軽粒子崩壊に関する研究
- A Research for Formation of Conepts of Physical Quantities among Jonior and Senior High School Students
- Study on Nonleptonic Decays fo B and D mesons
MISC (54):
教育改革と学力低下問題. 国際教育研究所紀要. 2004. 13, 19-31
大学教育におけるGAP制度導入の試み -英国のギャップイヤーを手がかりとして-. 国際教育研究所紀要. 2004. 13, 1-18
Reform of Educational Content and Decline in Academic Ability. The Bulletin of International Institute for Education. 2004. 13, 19-31
Assessment of the GAP Program. The Bulletin of International Institute for Education. 2004. 13, 1-18
ディベートの実施が問題把握能力の形成に及ぼす効果. 国際教育研究所紀要. 2002. 11, 1-14
Books (2):
裳華房 1990
Fundamental Physics
Education (4):
- - 1974 Hiroshima University
- - 1974 Hiroshima University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- - 1969 Shimane University
- - 1969 Shimane University Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science (Natural Sciences)
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本科学教育学会
, 日本物理学会
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