J-GLOBAL ID:200901086558369680   Update date: Aug. 21, 2024

Tsuboki Kazuhisa

ツボキ カズヒサ | Tsuboki Kazuhisa
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research field  (1): Atmospheric and hydrospheric science
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2016 - 2021 Dynamical, thermodynamical and cloud-microphysical studies of violent wind and heavy rain-producing tropical cyclones: Quantitative improvement of intensity estimations/forecasts
  • 2015 - 2020 Integrated Research on State-of-the-art Multi-sensors In-situ Observation of Storm Genesis and Reduction of Serious Disaster due to Heavy Rainfall
  • 2018 - 2019 台風等極端事象の高解像度ダウンスケーリングシミュレーション
Papers (122):
  • Ginaldi Ari Nugroho, Kosei Yamaguchi, Hironori Iwai, Tadayasu Ohigashi, Taro Shinoda, Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Eiichi Nakakita. Convective initiation characteristics by Doppler lidar observation during Ka-band radar first echo: A case study. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering). 2021. 77. 2. I_1303-I_1308
  • Tadayasu Ohigashi, Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Taro Shinoda, Haruya Minda, Moeto Kyushima, Hiroyuki Yamada, Hironori Iwai. Mammatus-Like Echo Structures Along the Base of Upper-Tropospheric Outflow-Layer Clouds of Typhoons Observed by Cloud Radar. Geophysical Research Letters. 2021. 48. 19
  • Sachie Kanada, Hidenori Aiki, Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Izuru Takayabu. Future Changes of a Slow-Moving Intense Typhoon with Global Warming: A Case Study Using a Regional 1-km-mesh Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Model. SOLA. 2021. 17A. Special_Edition. 14-20
  • MIN Kyeong-Seok, TSUBOKI Kazuhisa, YOSHIOKA Mayumi K., MORODA Yukie, KANADA Sachie. Formation Mechanism of a Stationary Line-Shaped Precipitation System in the Kinki District, Japan -Case Study on 1 September 2015 Event-. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II. 2021. 99. 2. 357-377
  • Hiroyuki YAMADA, Kosuke ITO, Kazuhisa TSUBOKI, Taro SHINODA, Tadayasu OHIGASHI, Munehiko YAMAGUCHI, Tetsuo NAKAZAWA, Norio NAGAHAMA, Kensaku SHIMIZU. The Double Warm-Core Structure of Typhoon Lan (2017) as Observed through the First Japanese Eyewall-Penetrating Aircraft Reconnaissance. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II. 2021
MISC (84):
Books (8):
  • 地域防災に関する総合情報誌 地域防災 2020年10月号 通巻34号 論説 気候大変動時代の災害大国日本日本の激甚気象
    一般財団法人日本防火・防災協会 2020
  • 激甚気象はなぜ起こる
    新潮選書 2020
  • 超多自由度系の新しい科学,第3章 3.2節気象のシミュレーション
    共立出版 2010
  • High-Resolution Simulations of High-Impact Weather Systems Using the Cloud-Resolving Model on the Earth Simulator.
    Springer New York 2008
  • Numerical predictThe Textbook for Seventeenth IHP Training Course in 2007Numerical prediction of high-impact weather systems.
Lectures and oral presentations  (49):
  • 豪雨・台風などの激甚気象の原因と将来予測
    (全国生コンクリート工業組合連合会 2020)
  • 地球温暖化の現実 自然災害の今
    (2020年度 大河講座「新・ひとの大学」現代編 2020)
  • 台風の強度測定と予測精度の向上に向けた航空機観測
    (東北大学理学研究科セミナー 2020)
  • 激甚災害をもたらす気象の実体とその将来変化
    (千葉県防災・危機管理トップセミナー 2020)
  • 地球温暖化と豪雨・台風
    (第7回宗像国際環境会議 2020)
Works (2):
  • Voice 特集災害から生き延びる 航空機とAIでスーパー台風に挑む 三十年度の台風で命を落とすことのない世界をめざしてー
    坪木 和久 2018 -
  • 2006年度秋季大会シンポジウム「台風-伊勢湾台風から50年を経て-」の報告“雲解像モデルで見た台風の構造”
    2008 -
Education (1):
  • - 1990 Hokkaido University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
Professional career (1):
  • 理学博士
Work history (5):
  • 2015/10/01 - 現在 Nagoya University Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research Center for Integrated Data Science Professor
  • 2012/04/01 - 2015/09/30 Nagoya University Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center Division of Regional-Scale Water Cycle Processes Professor
  • 2007/04/01 - 2012/03/31 Nagoya University Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center Division of Regional-Scale Water Cycle Processes Associate professor
  • 2007/03/31 - Nagoya University Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center Division of Regional-Scale Water Cycle Processes Assistant Professor
  • 2007/03/31 - Nagoya University Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center Division of Regional-Scale Water Cycle Processes Assistant Professor
Awards (5):
  • 2022 - 文部科学省 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞 研究部門
  • 2019/01/31 - Meteorological Society of Japan 2018 SOLA Award Analysis and Forecast Using Dropsonde Data from the Inner-Core Region of Tropical Cyclone Lan (2017) Obtained during the First Aircraft Missions of T-PARCII
  • 2016/10/31 - World Wind Energy Association, WWEC2016 TOKYO Organizing Committee BEST POSTER AWARD WWEC2016 TOKYO Wind Power Simulation and Analysis Incorporating Highly-Resolved Weather Prediction and Measurement Data of Japan
  • 2006 - 平成18年度 第20回数値流体力学シンポジウム,ベストCFDグラフィックス・アワード「最優秀賞」
  • 2004 - Camera visualization of cloud fields simulated by non-hydrostatic atmospheric models.
Association Membership(s) (2):
日本気象学会 ,  水文・水資源学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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