J-GLOBAL ID:200901087141504882   Update date: Sep. 24, 2022

Sanada Haruko

サナダ ハルコ | Sanada Haruko
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research field  (2): Japanese linguistics ,  Linguistics
Research keywords  (12): 数理 ,  統計 ,  言語 ,  日本語 ,  明治 ,  語彙 ,  Mathmatical ,  Statistics ,  Language ,  Japanese ,  Meiji ,  Lexicology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (27):
  • 2016 - 2021 Study on the relationship between the secondary and higher education in the Meiji Era and the establishment of scholarly terms
  • 2016 - 2021 明治期の中等教育・高等教育と近代学術用語の伝播・定着との関連性に関する研究
  • 2016 - 2021 Fundamental Study of the Grammaticalization of Japanese and neighboring languages
  • 2016 - 2021 日本語と近隣言語における文法化の基礎的研究
  • 2012 - 2016 Fundamental Study of the Grammaticalization and the semantic map
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Papers (53):
  • SANADA Haruko. The transplantation and adaptation of terms from Japan to China at the beginning of the 20th century. Wakumon. 2017. 31. 31-46
  • SANADA Haruko. The transplantation and adaptation of terms from Japan to China at the beginning of the 20th century (in English). 或問. 2017. 31. 31-46
  • SANADA Haruko. The revision of the dictionary of scholary terms Tetugaku Jii and headwords of marginal notes by authors (in Japanese). Bungaku Gogaku (Japanese Literature and Linguistics). 2016. 217. 164Backward-154Backward
  • 真田 治子. 学術用語集『哲学字彙』改訂と編者書込み本の見出し語について. 文学・語学. 2016. 217. 217. 164横-154横
  • Haruko Sanada. The Menzerath-Altmann Law and Sentence Structure. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics. 2016. 23. 3. 256-277
MISC (54):
  • 真田 治子. 学会参加報告「QUALICO2016 (国際計量言語学会大会)」. 計量国語学会. 2016. 30. 7. 450-453
  • SANADA Haruko. Book review on "Ji, M. (2013). Quantitative Exploration of Historical Translations: A Corpus Study of Tetsugaku Jii." In: Glottotheory, vol. 5(2), pp. 305-306. 2014
  • SANADA Haruko. Obituary of Professor Shizuo Muzutani, founder of the Japanese quantitatlive linguistics, IQLA Newsletter, vol.5,no.2-3, pp.2-3. 2014
  • QUALICO2014 (International Quantitative Linguistics Conference at Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic). 2014. 29. 6. 235-238
  • SANADA Haruko. Report on QUALICO2014 (International Quantitative Linguistics Conference) (in Japanese). Keiryo Kokugogaku (Mathematical Linguistics). 2014. 29. 6. 228-231
Books (61):
  • Negentropy of dependency types and parts of speech in the clause. In: Jingyang Jiang and Haitao Liu (eds.) Quantitative analysis of dependency structures (Book series Quantitative Linguistics)
    Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 2018
  • Negentropy of dependency types and parts of speech in the clause. (in English) In: Jingyang Jiang and Haitao Liu (eds.) Quantitative analysis of dependency structures (Book series Quantitative Linguistics)
    Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 2018
  • Study on the purpose of editors and the use of the table of Chinese scripts as an appendix of the Dictionary of Philosophy (Tetsugaku Jii). (in Japanese). In: Kindaigo Kenkyu (Study of the modern Japanese), vol.20.
    Tokyo: Musashino Shoin 2018
  • 『哲学字彙』付録「清国音符」の編纂目的と用法についての検討-井上哲次郎の日記及び旧東京大学の漢文教育との関わりから-『近代語研究』第20集
    武蔵野書院 2018
  • "Elementary Lessons in Logic" by Jevons and Headwords of the Dictionary of Philosophy (Tetsugaku Jii). (in Japanese) In: Kindaigo Gakkai (The Society of the modern Japanese) (ed.) Kindaigo Kenkyu (Study of the modern Japanese), vol.19, pp.161-178.
    Tokyo: Musashino Shoin 2016
Lectures and oral presentations  (94):
  • Qualico2016 International Quantitative Linguistics Conference, at ERA Conference Centre & Trier University (Germany)
    (Qualico2016 International Quantitative Linguistics Conference, at ERA Conference Centre & Trier University (Germany). 2016)
  • 「Quantitative interrelations of properties of the complement and the adjunct.」
    (Qualico2016 International Quantitative Linguistics Conference, at ERA Conference Centre & Trier University (Germany), 要旨集p.35. 2016)
  • The naturalness on the length of a sentence: relationships among the valency, the sentence structure, and the frequency.
    (Meeting in the Institute of Economics of Rissho University (Tokyo) 2016)
  • 自然な長さの文とは何か?-動詞結合価と文構造と頻度の関係
    (立正大学経済研究所研究会於立正大学 2016)
  • A study of effects of grammatical elements and structures on the frequency of words: Menzerath-Altmann's law and valency types.
    (Meeting of the project on the establishment of the Japanese corpus linguistics at the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (Tokyo) 2014)
Works (2):
  • 電子政府6万字種データベースに準拠した海外日本語研究者向けWeb漢字辞書の作成(科学研究費補助金・基盤研究C, No.16520290, 研究協力者)
    2006 -
  • Application of the 60,000 Kanji Database over the Internet for overseas researchers of the Japanese language (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), collaborator)
    2006 -
Education (6):
  • - 1995 Gakushuin University Graduate School of Humanities Graduate Course in Japanese Language and Literature
  • - 1995 Gakushuin University Graduate School, Division of Humanities Course of Japanese Language and Literature
  • - 1992 Gakushuin University Graduate School of Humanities Graduate Course in Japanese Language and Literature
  • - 1992 Gakushuin University Graduate School, Division of Humanities Course of Japanese Language and Literature
  • - 1985 Gakushuin University Faculty of Letters
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Professional career (2):
  • Doctor Degree (Gakushuin University)
  • Master Degree (Gakushuin University)
Work history (38):
  • 2010 - 現在 Rissho University Faculty of Economics
  • 2010 - 現在 Professor of Rissho University, Faculty of Economics in Tokyo
  • 2014/07 - 2016/09 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Fellow (Guest) (Jul.-Sep.2014, Jul.-Sep.2015, Jul.-Sep.2016)
  • 2012/04 - 2016/03 国立国語研究所共同研究プロジェクト「コーパス日本語学の創成」共同研究員
  • 2012/04 - 2016/03 Joint researcher of the Collaborative Research Projects "Basic Research on Corpus Annotation" by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
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Committee career (43):
  • 2017/10 - 現在 The 3rd International Workshop on Language Technologies and Applications LTA'18 in the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2018 (FedCSIS 2018) Program Committee
  • 2017/10 - 現在 The 3rd International Workshop on Language Technologies and Applications LTA'18 in the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2018 (FedCSIS 2018) Program Committee
  • 2017/07 - 現在 The Association for the Study of Japanese Language and Literature Board member
  • 2017/07 - 現在 全国大学国語国文学会 委員
  • 2016/06 - 現在 Society for Japanse Linguistics Referee
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Awards (2):
  • 2010 - 第9回徳川宗賢賞・優秀賞(横山詔一氏・朝日祥之氏との共著論文による)
  • 2010 - The 9th Tokugawa Munemasa Award for a joint work with Professor Shoichi Yokoyama and Professor Yoshiyuki Asahi
Association Membership(s) (14):
JAPANESE ASSOCIATION OF THE SOCIOLINGUISTIC SCIENCES ,  語彙研究会 ,  情報処理学会・人文科学とコンピュータ研究会 ,  近代語研究会 ,  International Quantitative Linguistics Association ,  計量国語学会 ,  日本語学会(旧国語学会) ,  Society for the study of vocabulary ,  Special Interest Group of Computers and the Humanities ,  Information Processing Society of Japan ,  Society for the study of modern Japanese ,  International Quantitative Linguistics Association ,  Mathematical Linguistic Society in Japan ,  Society for Japanse Linguistics
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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