J-GLOBAL ID:200901087142829360
Update date: Nov. 17, 2024
カガヤ エツコ | KAGAYA Etsuko
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Forest science
Research keywords (2):
, 森林
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2015 - 2018 Noninvasive method for detecting an invasive longicorn beetle in cherry trees
- 2006 - 2007 スギの歴史をスギにいる虫の遺伝子で調べる
- 森林昆虫の分子生態学的解析
- 森林昆虫の遺伝子解析
Papers (38):
Takuya Kobayashi, Akira Ueda, Hisatomo Taki, Mineaki Aizawa, Masaaki Ito, Katsunori Nakamura, Masahiro Isono, Hisayuki Wada, Yoko Uchida, Sawako Tokuda, et al. Demographic history of Platypus quercivorus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), a beetle causing mass mortality of oak trees, in eastern Japan. Insect Systematics and Diversity. 2024
Shinozaki Satoe, Sunamura Eiriki, Shoda-Kagaya Etsuko. Seasonal Prevalence of Asian Longhorned Beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Adults in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Eastern Japan. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology. 2024. 68. 3. 79-82
Yukari Anzai, Eiriki Sunamura, Shigeaki Tamura, Etsuko Shoda-Kagaya. Seasonal prevalence of the invasive rusty-spotted longhorn beetle, Apriona swainsoni (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), adults in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. Applied Entomology and Zoology. 2024
Eiriki Sunamura, Shigeaki Tamura, Hisatomo Taki, Grzegorz Buczkowski, Etsuko Shoda-Kagaya. Effects of neonicotinoid insecticide trunk injections on non-target arboreal ants, potential biological control agents for invasive longhorn beetle Aromia bungii on cherry trees. Applied Entomology and Zoology. 2023. 58. 4. 401-407
Eiriki Sunamura, Shigeaki Tamura, Hiromi Mukai, Masahiko Tokoro, Etsuko Shoda-Kagaya. Mating behavior between alien Asian longhorned beetle Anoplophora glabripennis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) and a native related species Anoplophora chinensis in Japan. Applied Entomology and Zoology. 2022
MISC (36):
所 雅彦, 桐山 哲, 深谷 緑, 松本 剛史, 滝 久智, 高務 淳, 向井 裕美, 浦野 忠久, 高梨 琢磨, 加賀谷 悦子, et al. クビアカツヤカミキリ(Aromia bungii)のフェロモン等を用いた野外誘引試験-Results of field attraction trap test using pheromones of a longhorn beetle (Aromia bungii). 日本森林学会関東森林研究. 2020. 70. 2. 169-172
Shoda-Kagaya Etsuko. Aromia bungii larvae survived in tunnels under bark with a heavy resin flow. The Japanese Forest Society Congress. 2018. 129. 0. 183-183
Tokoro Masahiko, Takanashi Takuma, Kagaya Etsuko Shoda, Nakayama Yuhi, Kiriyama Satoshi, Fukaya Midori, Iwata Ryutaro, Yasui Hiroe, Matsumoto Takeshi, Urano Tadahisa, et al. Search for semiochemicals aimed at controlling invading pest insects Aromia bungii. The Japanese Forest Society Congress. 2018. 129. 0. 661-661
所雅彦, 北島博, 加賀谷悦子, 衣浦晴生, 後藤秀章, 近藤洋史, 齊藤正一, 岡田充弘, 栗生剛, 大谷栄徳, et al. おとり丸太の大量集積によるナラ枯れ防除. 第3期中期計画成果集 平成28年. 2016. 64-65
所雅彦, 北島博, 加賀谷悦子, 衣浦晴生, 後藤秀章, 近藤洋史, 齊藤正一, 岡田充弘, 栗生剛, 大谷栄徳, et al. 大量のおとり丸太でナラ枯れ対策. 森林総合研究所研究成果選集. 2015. 2015. 52-53
Books (1):
Pine wilt Disease Ch. 18 Molecular ecology of vectors
Springer 2008 ISBN:9784431756545
Professional career (1):
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