Toru Nakayama. Enjoycement, or, the Mathematical Sublime and Mannerism: In the Margins of Jean-Michel Rabaté's "Lacan après Bruno". Les études lacaniennes. 2022. 21. 79-87
Toru Nakayama. The Dialectics of Appearing: Wilde, Hegel, and Post-Romanticism. Oscar Wilde Studies. 2020. 19. 57-70
Toru Nakayama. The Death Drive and the Platonic Idea: From Zizekian Ontology to Art after the End of Art. Les etudes lacaniennes. 2020. 19. 69-91
Less than Nothing: Zizek's Dialectical Materialism
日本ラカン協会 第31回ワークショップ
(日本ラカン協会 ワークショップ 2021)
Psychoanalysis, Literature and Film Redefined: Dialogues with Professor Jean-Michel Rabate
(Psychoanalysis, Literature and Film Redefined: Dialogues with Professor Jean-Michel Rabate 2020)