Research field (3):
Applied mathematics and statistics
, Basic mathematics
, Statistical science
Research keywords (3):
, Statistics
, Multivariate Analysis
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2009 - 2011 Statistical Inference for High-Dimensional Data and Its Applications
Papers (2):
Shin-ichi Tsukada. Equivalence testing of mean vector and covariance matrix for multi-populations under a two-step monotone incomplete sample. JOURNAL OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS. 2014. 132. 183-196
Shin-ichi Tsukada. Unbiased estimator for a covariance matrix under two-step monotone incomplete sample. COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-THEORY AND METHODS. 2014. 43. 8. 1613-1629
Education (3):
1995 - 1998 Chuo University Graduate School of Science and Engineering Doctoral course
1993 - 1995 Chuo University Graduate School of Science and Engineering Master's course
- 1993 Chuo University Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Engineering Bachelor's course,
Professional career (1):
Doctor of Science (Chuo University)
Work history (6):
2010/04 - 現在 Meisei University Department of Education, School of Education Professor
2007/04 - 2010/03 Meisei University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate professor
2004/04 - 2007/03 Meisei University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate professor
2002/04 - 2004/03 Nigata University of International and Information Studies Nigata University of International and Information Studies The Department of Information System Associate professor
1999/04 - 2002/03 Nigata University of International and Information Studies Nigata University of International and Information Studies The Department of Information System Full-time lecturer
1998/04 - 1999/03 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics Researcher
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Awards (1):
1999 - Japanese Society of Computational Statistics Incentive award
Association Membership(s) (4):
The Behaviormetric Society
, Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
, The Mathematical Society of Japan
, The Japan Statistical Society