J-GLOBAL ID:200901089332719423
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Totsuji Chieko
トウツジ チエコ | Totsuji Chieko
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Academic Support Center, Lecturer
Homepage URL (2):
Research field (4):
Basic plasma science
, Applied plasma science
, Magnetism, superconductivity, and strongly correlated systems
, Semiconductors, optical and atomic physics
Research keywords (4):
, 誘電体物性
, Plasma science and Technology
, Theory on dielectric materials
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
MISC (59):
H Totsuji, C Totsuji, MS Liman, K Tsuruta. Structure of finite two-dimensional systems of dust particles at finite temperatures. PHYSICS OF PLASMAS. 2005. 12. 10
H Totsuji, T Ogawa, C Totsuji, K Tsuruta. Structure of spherical Yukawa clusters: A model for dust particles in dusty plasmas in an isotropic environment. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 2005. 72. 3
H Totsuji, C Totsuji, T Ogawa, K Tsuruta. Ordering of dust particles in dusty plasmas under microgravity. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 2005. 71. 4
Hiroo Totsuji, Chieko Totsuji, Takafumi Ogawa, Kenji Tsuruta. Ordering of dust particles in dusty plasmas under microgravity. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2005. 71. 4
H Totsuji, MS Liman, C Totsuji, K Tsuruta. Thermodynamics of a two-dimensional Yukawa fluid. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 2004. 70. 1
Books (13):
Structure and Madelung Energy of Coulomb Clusters
NON-NEUTRAL PLASMA PHYSICS IV, (Proceedings of the Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas, San Diego, California 2001), eds. F. Anderegg, L. Schweikhard and C. F. Driscoll,AIP Conference Proceedings 606 2002
Structures of Confined Yukawa System with and without Gravity
Proceedings of the International Congress on Plasma Physics 2000 2001
チェイキン & ルベンスキー 現代の凝縮系物理学(下) (共訳)
吉岡書店 2000
チェイキン & ルベンスキー 現代の凝縮系物理学(上) (共訳)
吉岡書店 2000
Structure and dynamics of Yukawa dusty plasmas and dusty plasma mixtures (jointly worked)
Journal de Physique (]G0004[),EDP Science 2000
Education (4):
- - 1992 Okayama University of Science Graduate School of Science
- - 1992 Okayama University of Science Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- - 1970 Ochanomizu University Faculty of Science
- - 1970 Ochanomizu University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (2):
, Physical Society of Japan
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