J-GLOBAL ID:200901089781563071
Update date: Sep. 13, 2022
Ogihara Kunihiro
オギハラ クニヒロ | Ogihara Kunihiro
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (3):
Civil engineering (environmental systems)
, Hydroengineering
, Disaster prevention engineering
Research keywords (6):
, 自然災害科学
, 水工水理学
, Southeast Asia Studies
, Natural Disaster Science
, Hydraulics and River Engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
- 2000 - 2005 干潟での潮汐,波浪の働き
- 2000 - 2005 水理構造物の振動現象
- 2000 - 2005 Effect of wave motion on Logoon Surfaee
- 2000 - 2005 Vibration phenomena of Hydraulic Structures
- 1995 - 2005 熱帯河川の河口密度流
- 1995 - 2005 Density Flow in Tidal River in INDONESIA
- 1998 - 2002 空気混入流
- 1998 - 2002 Air Entrained Flow
- ダム, 湖沼における濁貭移動の研究
- 干潟で生じている現象の解析
- 流体による弾性振動
- Movement of turbidity in reservoir
- Analysis on phenomena in Lagoon
- Hydroelastic Vibration
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MISC (114):
三番瀬干潟での海水浄化作用について. 第59回土木学会年次学術講演会. 2004
ミネラルウオーター. 水資源機構広報誌「水とともに」. 2004. No.13,10月号
水に流す. 水資源公団広報誌「水とともに」. 2004. No.7,4月号
K. Ogihara, Review on gate vibration related to the gate lip and its theoretical analysis. Hydrovision 2004. 2004
K. Ogihara, A. Matuzawa, An Analysis on the physical phenomena related to habiyay in lagoon surface zone. 5th International Symposium on Echohydraulics. 2004
Books (15):
山海堂 2004
Limit Condition of distance of Force Center and rotation Center for Self-excited vibration of radial gate
Hydropower in the new Millennium 2001
Flow Induced Vibration of Radial Gate Under Small Gate Opening
Flow-Induced Vibration. FIV2000 2000
日本流体力学会,丸善 1998
Vibrations of Hydraulic Equipment for Dams(Reviw and Recomendations, Bulletin 102
International Commission on Large Dams(ICLOLD) 1996
Works (31):
2003 - 2005
1990 - 2005
1991 - 2004
2004 -
Kunihiro Ogihara, Change of porosity on Lagoon surface zone, Invited Lecture in ITS
2004 -
Education (4):
- - 1966 The University of Tokyo
- - 1966 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- - 1961 University of Yamanashi Faculty of Engineering
- - 1961 University of Yamanashi Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering
Professional career (2):
- Doctor degree of Engineering (The University of Tokyo)
- Master degree of Engineering (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (6):
Committee career (3):
- 1991 - 2004 日本ダム工学会 論文査読委員
- 1990 - 1996 国際大ダム会議(ICLOD) 水理部会第2部会委員
- 1980 - 1996 土木学会 水理委員会委員
Awards (2):
- 2000 - Author's Award HRW Magazine
- 2000 - Author's Award by HRW Magazine
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 国際大ダム会議(ICLOD)
, 国際水理学会(IAHR)
, 流体力学会
, 日本地下水学会
, 土木学会
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