J-GLOBAL ID:200901089863163098
Update date: Aug. 02, 2022
Kamata Masayoshi
カマタ マサヨシ | Kamata Masayoshi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Research keywords (2):
, Algebraic Topology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 多様体上の変換群とコボルディズムの研究
- Study on transformation groups on manifolds and cobordism
MISC (19):
A remark on the framed null-cobordantness of the exceptional Lie group E6. Kyushu Journal of Mathematics. 2002. 56. 1. 83-87
A remark on the framed null-cobordantness of the exceptional Lie group E6. Kyushu Journal of Mathematics. 2001. 56. 1. 83-87
KAMATA Masayoshi, MINAMI Haruo. The special orthogonal groups SO(2n) as framed boundaries (共著). Kyushu Journal of Mathematics. 2000. 54. 1. 147-153
Masayoshi Kamata. On equivariant cobordism classes of projective spaces for complex U(1)-representation spaces. Kyushu Journal of Mathematics. 1999. 53. 2. 239-243
On equivariant vector fields on a sphere. 1998. 78-86
Books (3):
学術図書出版社 1990
近代科学社 1989
実教出版 1977
Professional career (1):
- (BLANK) (Osaka City University)
Committee career (1):
Association Membership(s) (1):
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