J-GLOBAL ID:200901090767027297
Update date: Sep. 01, 2022
Tabuki Masatoshi
タブキ マサトシ | Tabuki Masatoshi
Research keywords (8):
, 日英語の意味分析
, 談話分析
, 会話分析
, transitivity
, semantics
, discourse analysis
, conversational analysis
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
MISC (61):
Robert Long, Masatoshi Tabuki. Pausology and Interview Questions; A Case Study. Kasele. 2010. 38. 19-32
Robert Long, Masatoshi Tabuki. Pausology and Interview Questions; A Case Study. Kasele. 2010. 38. 19-32
Long R, Tabuki M. Intercultural Knowledge and Competence: Student Strengths and Weakness. Kasele. 2009. 37. 149-159
田吹 昌俊. 『日本語の繋ぎ語についてー感動詞を中心にー』 'On Japanese Connective Words'. Journal of Language & Culture on East Asia 東アジア言語文化研究会 ソウル. 2009. 10. 1-12
Long R, Tabuki M. Intercultural Knowledge and Competence: Student Strengths and Weakness. Kasele. 2009. 37. 149-159
Works (4):
1998 - 1999
1997 - 1998
1996 - 1997
1995 - 1996
Education (4):
- - 1984 The Pennsylvania State University
- - 1984 Pennsylvania State University
- - 1975 Keio University Faculty of Letters
- - 1975 Keio University Faculty of Literature
Work history (3):
- 2008 - Kyushu Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering, Department of Human Sciences
- 2008 - Professor,Department of Human Sciences,Faculty of Engineering,Kyushu Institute of Technology
- Kyushu Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering, Department of Human Sciences Professor
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