J-GLOBAL ID:200901090783709527
Update date: Apr. 30, 2020
Tokumaru Sho
トクマル ショウ | Tokumaru Sho
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Senior Assistant Professor
Research keywords (1):
MISC (2):
Y Shirakata, K Tamai, H Nakaoka, S Tokumaru, K Sayama, S Murakami, K Hashimoto. Severe palmo-plantar hyperkeratosis in Koebner epidermolysis bullosa simplex. JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY. 2003. 30. 2. 135-140
Y Shirakata, K Tamai, H Nakaoka, S Tokumaru, K Sayama, S Murakami, K Hashimoto. Severe palmo-plantar hyperkeratosis in Koebner epidermolysis bullosa simplex. JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY. 2003. 30. 2. 135-140
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