2017 - 2020 Newt and water mite: species diversity generated by parasite-host relationships inhabiting land and water environment and its conservation
2015 - 2019 A joint study on wet grasslands on mineral soil: location requirements and biotic communities
2015 - 2018 Study on some phylogenetic relationships and database compilation of the only collection of free-living Prostigmata.
2013 - 2016 Designing soil food web strucute for sustainable plant production
2013 - 2015 Does Diurodrilus form a new phylum?
2012 - 2015 Solving of taxonomic problem and emergency relief of degradation specimen in case preparation is the type specimen
2009 - 2012 Taxonomic investigation on the protozoan fauna of Japan, with special reference to the diversity crisis due to global climate change.
2008 - 2010 Changes of microbial and protozoa community structures influenced by heat disturbance in the boreal forest soil
2006 - 2008 Inventory of ciliate and testate amoeba species (Protist) in Japan and development of molecular biological techniques on free living species
2005 - 2007 Development of methodology for rhizosphere research
Tobias Pfingstl, Shimpei F. Hiruta, Satoshi Shimano. Mitochondrial metagenomics reveal the independent colonization of the world’s coasts by intertidal oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida, Ameronothroidea). Scientific Reports. 2024
Tobias Pfingstl, Maria Minor, Sylvia Schäffer, Satoshi Shimano. Coastal oribatid mites (Acari) from New Zealand: new morphological, ecological, and developmental data. International Journal of Acarology. 2023. 1-18
Tsukasa Waki, Isao Nishiumi, Satoshi Shimano. Report of a Feather Mite Species (Acariformes: Astigmata) from the Oriental White Stork, Ciconia boyciana (Ciconiiformes: Ciconiidae), Belonging to the Japanese Native Population. Species Diversity. 2023. 28. 2. 225-229
Mizuho Shimada, Kandai Doi, Hiroki Kawabata, Takeo Yamauchi, Shuji Ando, Yumie Kobayashi, Yoshie Hirose, Fuminori Shuto, Yukako Fujiwara, Miho Saitou, et al. A review of 49 tick bite cases that occurred from 2020-2022 at Japanese Red Cross Ashikaga Hospital in Tochigi Prefecture -Trends in 40 cases of Amblyomma testudinarium bites-. Medical Entomology and Zoology. 2023. 74. 2. 53-56
島野智之, 蛭田眞平, GOLDSCHMIDT Tom, 西川完途. Molecular phylogeny of water mites (genus Hygrobates) associated to newt in eastern Asia. 日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web). 2020. 67th
Satoshi Shimano, Akira Ito, Kazunori Ike. In Memoriam: Soichi Imai (1948-2015). JOURNAL OF EUKARYOTIC MICROBIOLOGY. 2016. 63. 5. 691-693
Preliminary Study of Exchange Materials in Agriculture for to build a Network between Japan and Thailand in which to work together for a Sustainable Future for the UN Decade of ESD. 2013. 15. 65-68
Transitioning towards ESD : A Steady Progression or a Paradigm Shift?. 2013. 15. 75-80
The Story of the Discovery of a New Species
Iwanami Shoten, Japan. 2023 ISBN:9784005009664
Introduction to Soil Zoology: Contemporary Issues and Trends.
Asakura Shoten Press, Tokyo. 2022 ISBN:9784254171792
In search of the mysterious “Ciron Cheese” - A cheese factory where mites play an active role in the ripening process. (In Japanese)
Yasaka Press, Tokyo. 2022 ISBN:9784896942958
Is it true that if a mite bites, it leaves two holes?
Futosha Press, Tokyo. 2021 ISBN:9784892194597
Introduction to Parasitology: Contemporary Issues and Trends.
Asakura Shoten Press, Tokyo. 2020 ISBN:9784254171747
2022/07 - 現在 Royal Society for Protection of Nature, Bhutan Visiting Researcher
2021/11 - 現在 "Journal of Protistology" published by the Japan Society of Protistology Editor-In-Chief, "Journal of Protistology"
2020/01 - 現在 2020 Jan- : Editor-In-Chief, "Species Diversity" published by the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology Editor-In-Chief, "Species Diversity"
2019/10 - 現在 the Acarological Society of Japan Subject Editor
2018/11 - 現在 the Japan Society of Protistology A committee member
2018/05 - 現在 the Japanese Society of Soil Zoology A committee member
2016/10 - 現在 the Acarological Society of Japan A committee member
2009/11 - 現在 the Japan Society of Protistology the person in charge of biodiversity council
2009/03 - 現在 環境省 絶滅のおそれのある野生生物種の選定・評価検討会 分科会委員
2018/05 - 2023/05 2018 May- : Editor-In-Chief, "Edaphologia" published by the Japanese Society of Soil Zoology Editor-In-Chief, "Edaphologia"
2019/10 - 日本ダニ学会 編集委員
2018/11 - 日本原生生物学会 評議員
2018/05 - 日本土壌動物学会 評議員
2016/10 - 日本ダニ学会 評議員
2009/11 - 日本原生生物学会 生物多様性会議委員
Show all
Awards (7):
2022/06 - Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology Award of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
2018/10 - 日本原生生物学会 The award of Japan Society of Protisitology 土壌環境を中心とした自由生活性の原生生物における種多様性及び生態の関係
2017 - The Japanese Society of Soil Zoology The award of The Japanese Society of Soil Zoology
2012/09 - Korean Society of Soil Zoology The award of Archive
2009/09 - CNRS Invited professor (invited by CNRS, France): Laboratoire de Chrono-Environment, Université de Franche-Comté UFR Sciences et Techniques
2009/06 - ProSPER.Net & Elsevier Award Young Scientist Award for Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Natural Resource (Finalist: Runner-up prize)