J-GLOBAL ID:200901091628491929
Update date: Sep. 21, 2022
Miyashita Shigeru
ミヤシタ シゲル | Miyashita Shigeru
Affiliation and department:
Kindai University Fisheries Laboratory, Shirahama Experiment Station
About Kindai University Fisheries Laboratory, Shirahama Experiment Station
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Detailed information
Research field (1):
Research keywords (2):
, Aquacultural Science of Seawater Fish
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2002 - クロマグロの資源増殖に関する生物・生化学的研究
1970 - クロマグロの種苗生産に関する研究
1970 - Studies on the seedling production of the Pacific bluefin tuna
1968 - 海水養殖魚の産卵期開始に及ぼす水温と光周期の影響
1968 - Effect of water temperature and photoperiod on the beginning of spawning season in cultured fish of sea water
Papers (29):
Sho Shirakashi, Akinobu Morita, Katsuya Ishimaru, Shigeru Miyashita. Infection dynamics of Kudoa yasunagai (Myxozoa: Multivalvulida) infecting brain of cultured yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata in Japan. DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS. 2012. 101. 2. 123-130
Effect of water temperature on feeding activity and resultant mercury levels in muscle of cultured bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis (Temminck and Schlegel ). Aquaculture Res., in press. 2010
Yasunori Ishibashi, Tomoki Honryo, Kazuki Saida, Akihiko Hagiwara, Shigeru Miyashita, Yoshifumi Sawada, Tokihiko Okada, Michio Kurata. Artificial lighting prevents high night-time mortality of juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, caused by poor scotopic vision. AQUACULTURE. 2009. 293. 3-4. 157-163
Grazing of protozooplankton assemblages on microalgae in the rearing water of the Marble Goby, Oxyeleotris marmortatus, during early larval rearing. Aquaculture Science. 2009. 57. 71-75
Satoshi Otani, Manabu Ohara, Shigeru Miyashita, Toru Kobayashi. A method for the microinjection into naturally spawned eggs of marine fish, especially cultured Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis. FISHERIES SCIENCE. 2008. 74. 1. 208-210
MISC (199):
熊井 英水, 宮下 盛. クロマグロの完全養殖達成. 農林水産技術研究ジャーナル. 2005. 2005. 28. 12-15
ISHIBASHI Yasunori, KATO Keitaro, IKEDA Shizunori, MURATA Osamu, MIYASHITA Shigeru, KUMAI Hidemi. Dietary Pyridoxine Requirement of Juvenile Japanese Parrot Fish, Oplegnathus fasciatus. Aquaculture Science. 2002. 50(3), 347-353. 3. 347-353
クロマグロの種苗生産に関する研究. 近畿大学水産研究所報告. 2002. 8, 1-171
熊井 英水, 宮下 盛. 完全養殖まであと一歩-人工種苗生産の現状. 養殖 39. 2002. 2002. 8. 68-71
クロマグロ仔稚魚の成長と形態発育(共著). Fishery Bulletin. 2001. 99(4), 601-616
Books (3):
成山堂,東京 2010
湊文社 2000
Advances in Marine Aquaculture
Lectures and oral presentations (29):
(平成24年度日本水産学会春季大会 2012)
(日本水産学会 平成22年度日本水産学会 春季大会 2010)
(日本水産学会 平成22年度日本水産学会 春季大会 2010)
(日本水産学会 2007)
(日本水産学会 2006)
Education (2):
- 1967 Kindai University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Fisheries
- 1967 Kinki University School of Agriculture Department of Fisheries
Professional career (1):
Ph.D. in Agr. (Kinki University)
Work history (3):
1993 - 2000 Kindai University Fisheries Laboratory
1985 - 1992 Kindai University Fisheries Laboratory
1968 - 1984 Kindai University Fisheries Laboratory
Committee career (1):
2000 - 日本水産学会 近畿支部評議員
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本魚病学会
, 日本魚類学会
, 日本水産学会
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