J-GLOBAL ID:200901091763138309
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024
Hasegawa Yukiko
ハセガワ ユキコ | Hasegawa Yukiko
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (2):
Foreign language education
, Linguistics
Research keywords (6):
Motivation for foreign language learning
, Language Policy
, Foreign Language Education
, 韓国語教育
, prosodic feature of Korean language
, Korean Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 2020 - 2023 隣接国間の相互理解に資する観光関連施設の多言語対応ー北部九州における韓国語対応ー
- 2011 - 2015 新しい言語教育観に基づいた複数の外国語教育で使用できる共通言語教育枠の総合研究
- 2007 - 2009 韓国語Web辞典開発と韓国語教育用基本語彙選定
- 2007 - 2009 Developement of the Web Dictionary and Choosing the Educational Basic Vocabulary of Korean Language
- 2007 - 2009 Developing Korean Vocabulary Database and Korean Web-based Dictionary for Foreign Language Cyber University
- 2000 - Prosodic Feature and Prosodic Teaching of Korean Language
- 韓国語の韻律的特徴と韻律教育
- Development of Teaching Materials for Korean Language
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Papers (5):
A Study on the Two-Way Immersion Education in the United States : A Solution to the Issues in Language Education for Immigrant Children. 2017. 68. 167-187
長谷川 由起子. 大学の韓国語学習者の学習動機づけー全国の大学6言語学習者アンケート調査の分析を通じてー. 朝鮮語教育-理論と実践-. 2014. 9. 36-55
長谷川 由起子. 일본에서의 한국 언어 문화 학습/교육의 현황과 과제 -이문화능력 배양을 위하여-. 한국어교육 연구. 2012. 7. 51-79
長谷川 由起子. 일본에서의 한국 언어문화 교육 -상호 이해를 위한 내용과 시각-. 한국언어문화학. 2011. 2. 161
長谷川 由起子. 한국어의 띄어쓰기와 단어 인정에 대하여 -한국어 교육의 시점에서-. 朝鮮語教育-理論と実践-. 2009. 4
MISC (13):
Relationship between the Motivations of Foreign Language Learners and the Teaching Methods : An Analysis of the Survey based on the SDT. 2015. 61. 107-124
Issues Related to the Implementation of Compulsory Second Foreign Language Education at High Schools. 2014. 2. 87-100
Developing a E-Learning system for Korean language learners of KSU. 2014. 34. 4-13
The prosodic behavior of the Korean negation adverbs "an" and "mot": as observed in "the reading utterance corpus of the Seoul dialect". Journal of the Faculty of International Studies of Culture,Kyushu Sangyo University. 2009. 43号. 43. 159-183
長谷川由起子. 한국어의 띄어쓰기와 단어 인정에 대하여 -한국어 교육의 시점에서-(韓国語の分かち書きと単語認定について-韓国語教育の視点から-). 朝鮮語教育-理論と実践-. 2009. 4. 36-65
Books (6):
Current status and issues of Korean commentary on information boards for tourist facilities in Tsushima
くろしお出版 2020
コミュニケーション韓国語 聞いて話そうII
白帝社 2016
外国語教育は英語だけでいいのか -グローバル社会は多言語だ!
くろしお出版 2016
九州大学大学院言語文化研究院 2010
Lectures and oral presentations (11):
(日本言語政策研究会特定課題「観光地のホスト社会を配慮した言語政策研究」 2021)
에도시대(江戸時代) 일본 서민들과 한글 -‘한글 이로하(伊呂波)’를 중심으로-
(語学教育エキスポ2015 2015)
(語学教育エキスポ2014 2014)
(語学教育エキスポ2013 2013)
Education (3):
- - 1993 Osaka University of Foreign Studies
- - 1993 Osaka University of Foreign Studies Graduate School, Division of Foreign Language
- - 1981 Osaka University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies
Professional career (1):
Work history (10):
- 1993 - 2008 Osaka University of Foreign Studies
- 2000 - 2006 Kyushu Sangyo University Faculty of International Studies of Culture
- 2006 - - 九州産業大学国際文化学部 准教授
- 2001 - - Kyushu University, Part-time Lecturer
- 1998 - 2000 Shoin Women's Junior College, Part-time Lecturer
- 1998 - 2000 Doshisha University, Part-time Lecturer
- 1997 - 2000 Nara University, Part-time Lecturer
- 1995 - 1998 Ryukoku University, Part-time Lecturer
- 1994 - 1996 Osaka University, Part-time Lecturer
- 1993 - - Osaka University of Foreign Studies, Part-time Lecturer
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Committee career (1):
Association Membership(s) (3):
Japanese Society of Korean Language Education
, 国際韓国語教育学会
, 朝鮮学会
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