Takaki Iwata. A nonlinear Hawkes process in seismology: A seismicity model based on rate- and state-dependent friction law. Proceedings of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. 2021. 69. 2. 209-222
I. Cho, T. Iwata. Limits and Benefits of the Spatial Autocorrelation Microtremor Array Method Due to the Incoherent Noise, With Special Reference to the Analysis of Long Wavelength Ranges. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2021. 126. 2
Yohei Yukutake, Takaki Iwata, Yoshihisa Iio. Estimation of the heterogeneity of stress fields using misfit angles in focal mechanisms. Tectonophysics. 2020. 790. 228553
Takaki Iwata. The statistical modeling of the seasonal variation in earthquake detection capability at Syowa Station, Antarctica, through multiple meteorological factors. Chikyu Monthly. 2018. 40. 486-492
The annual variation in teleseismic detection capability at Syowa Station, Antarctica: a statistical analysis considering the effect of air temperature. Chikyu Monthly. 2015. 37. 400-406
Iwata, Takaki. Quantitative analysis of the daily variation of earthquake detection capability. Chikyuu Monthly. 2012. 34. 504-508
Takaki Iwata, Ichiro Nakanishi. Dynamic triggering due to seismic waves of remote earthquakes: The Matsushiro, central Japan, example. Chikyu Monthly. 2006. 28. 642-646
Remotely triggered earthquakes at Matsushiro, Nagano Prefecture. Technical reports of the Matsushiro Seismological Observatory, JMA. 1998. 15. 51-60
Books (1):
Iwata, Takaki
Lectures and oral presentations (23):
Statistic analysis on teleseismic detectability at Syowa Station, Antarctica
(A Special Workshop on Recent Advance in Polar Seismology 2014)
Synchronous b-value change and crustal deformation following the 2007 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, Japan