J-GLOBAL ID:200901092011031463
Update date: Sep. 26, 2022
Sakata Teiji
サカタ テイジ | Sakata Teiji
Affiliation and department:
Research field (4):
Cultural anthropology and folklore
, Literature - General
, Literature - Chinese
, Religious studies
Research keywords (7):
, ヒンドゥー教
, ヒンディー語・ヒンディー文学
, Folktales from North India
, Hinduism
, Hindi Literature
, Hindi Linguistics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
MISC (36):
16世紀北インドのクリシュナ信仰詩人スールダースの研究の歴史-本文、注釈書・訳書の出版史を中心に-. 人文・自然・人間科学研究(拓殖大学人文科学研究所紀要). 2004. 10(通巻254号). 21-37
A History of Surdas's Studies Focusing on the Publication of Texts and Annotations / Translations. The Journal of Humanities and Sciences. 2004. 10,21-37
〈解説と翻訳〉クリシュナ神への賛歌:北インドで唱されている抒情詩の解説と翻訳(2). 語学研究. 2002. 101. 143-169
〈解説と翻訳〉クリシュナ神への賛歌:北インドで唱されている抒情詩の解説と翻訳(1). 語学研究. 2002. 99. 117-141
Devotional Songs Dedicated to Lord Krishna: Introduction to and Translation of Lyrics in North India (2). Language Studies. 2002. 2002-143-169
Books (26):
Toward Establishing Enduring Ties Between India and Japan through Literature : A brief History of Accepting Modern Indian Literature in Japan Centering on the Period after 1952
U. Sachidanand, T. Sakata(eds. ) Imaging India Imaging Japan Delhi : Manak 2004
Hindi Folktales Related with the Hindu Festival of Bhaiyā Dūj Calle waert, W.(ed.)
Devotional Literature in South Asia. Manohar 2002
Hindi Folktales Related with the Hindu Festival of Bhaiyā Dūj Calle waert, W.(ed.)
Devotional Literature in South Asia. Manohar 2002
聖者たちのインド(島岩、坂田貞二編) 2000
Bhakti in Hindi Folktales
M. Offredi(ed.)The Banyan Tree Manohar, Delhi 2000
Works (14):
2003 -
1999 -
Observation of Folktale Succession and Collecting Folktales in Rajashan, India
1999 -
シヴァ神の町カーシーの外周を巡礼するKashi Panch Koshi Yatraの参加観察
1996 -
Observation of the Kashi Panch Koshi Pilgrimage(North India)
1996 -
Education (2):
- - 1963 Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies
- - 1963 Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Language
Work history (7):
- 2001 - 2001 デリー大学(インド)客員教授
- 1965 - 2000 Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
- 1965 - 2000 Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Temporary Lecturer
- 1976 - 1983 Takushoku University
- 1976 - 1983 Takushoku University, Assistant Professor
- 1974 - 1976 Takushoku University
- 1974 - 1976 Takushoku University, Lecturer
Show all
Committee career (1):
- 1996 - 現在 Nagari Pracharini Sabha(INDIA) 運営委員
Association Membership(s) (4):
Linguistic Society of India
, 日本口承文芸学会
, 日本南アジア学会
, Nagari Pracharini Sabha(INDIA)
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