J-GLOBAL ID:200901092350669060
Update date: Dec. 04, 2021
Sera Masanori
セラ マサノリ | Sera Masanori
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Research field (1):
Research keywords (4):
, 水理学
, River Engineering
, Hydraulics Engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2008 - 河川水の水質改善
1988 - 1998 河川流の現地観測
Field measurement of river flows
MISC (8):
大型電磁流速計の河川乱流測定への適用について. 建設工学研究所報告. 1995. 37
現地観測に基づく河川流の乱流特性に関する研究. 神戸大学博士論文. 1994
落差工下流における流れ特性. 建設工学研究所報告. 1992. 34,169-180
現地観測に基づく実河川の流れの特性について. 水工学論文集. 1991. 35,287-292
Characteristics of River Flows by Field Measurement. Proc. of Hydraulic Eng. , JSCE. 1991. 35,287-292
Education (6):
- 1982 Osaka University
- 1982 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Civil Engineering
- 1978 Nihon University
- 1978 Nihon University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Civil Engineering
- 1976 Nihon University College of Science and Technology Department of Civil Engineering
- 1976 Nihon University Faculty of Science and Engineering
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Professional career (1):
Ph. D. Engineering (Kobe University)
Work history (4):
2007/04 - 現在 Setsunan University Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
1998/04 - 2007/03 Osaka Institute of Technology
1982/10 - 1998/03 Kobe University
1982 - 1998 Kobe University, Research Assistant
Association Membership(s) (1):
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