J-GLOBAL ID:200901092747930015   Update date: Mar. 05, 2024

Shiga Osamu

シガ オサム | Shiga Osamu
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research field  (1): Accounting
Research keywords  (5): FASB ,  公正価値 ,  財務会計概念フレームワーク ,  Fair Value ,  Conceptual Framework
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 1998 - 1999 The Study of the Accounting Based on Future Events and Their Estimates
  • A joint project of the FASB and IASB about the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
  • 財務会計概念フレームワーク再検討プロジェクトの研究
Papers (4):
  • Osamu Shiga. The real significance of FASB statement of financial accounting concepts no. 8. 2011. 62. 5. 280-291
  • Osamu Shiga. FASB project to develop an accounting standard for financial instruments with characteristics of equity, liabilities, or both. 2007. 58. 6. 456-471
  • Osamu Shiga. The Discussion of Accounting for Financial Instruments by FASB (2). 1994. 45. 6. p1188-1204
  • Osamu Shiga. The Discussion of Accounting for Financial Instruments by FASB (1). 1993. 45. 1. p155-174
MISC (23):
  • Osamu Shiga. "Recognition and Derecognition" Considered by FASB Project to Revise Conceptual Framework. ACCOUNTING. 2023. 204. 3. 1-13
  • Osamu Shiga. Significance of Elements of Financial Statements Considered by FASB Project to revise Conceptual Framework. The Doshisha Business Review. 2021. 73. 2. 433-448
  • Osamu Shiga. Elements of Financial Statements considered by FASB Project to revise Conceptual Framework. ACCOUNTING. 2021. 200. 3. 14-27
  • Osamu Shiga. The FASB Project of Improved Conceptual Framework. Disclosure and IR. 2018. 7. 21-28
  • Osamu Shiga. “Presentation in Financial Statements” considered within FASB Project to revise Conceptual Framework. ACCOUNTING. 2018. 194. 2. 97-110
Books (8):
  • 会計学の基本(第3版) : 基礎から現代の会計
    森山書店 2022 ISBN:9784839421908
  • 会計認識領域拡大の論理
    森山書店 2011
  • 会計学の基本-基礎から現代の会計-
    森山書店 2009
  • 現代会計における認識領域拡大の構造
    村瀬儀祐・志賀理共編著『加藤盛弘教授古稀記念論文集』森山書店 2007
  • FASB金融商品会計による負債の会計認識領域拡大化
    加藤盛弘編『現代会計の認識拡大』森山書店,第8章所収 2005
Education (6):
  • - 1993 Doshisha University
  • - 1993 Doshisha University Graduate School, Division of Commerce
  • - 1989 Doshisha University
  • - 1989 Doshisha University Graduate School, Division of Commerce
  • - 1987 Doshisha University Faculty of Commerce
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Professional career (2):
  • Master of Commerce (Doshisha University)
  • 商学修士 (同志社大学)
Committee career (7):
  • 2015/09 - 2021/09 Japan Accounting Association Councilor
  • 2020/12 - 2021/02 公認会計士・監査審査会 令和2年公認会計士試験試験委員
  • 2018/12 - 2020/11 公認会計士・監査審査会 平成32年公認会計士試験試験委員
  • 2017/12 - 2019/11 公認会計士・監査審査会 平成31年公認会計士試験試験委員
  • 2016/12 - 2018/11 公認会計士・監査審査会 平成30年公認会計士試験試験委員
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Association Membership(s) (2):
日本会計研究学会 ,  国際会計研究学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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