J-GLOBAL ID:200901093475278379
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024
Iwasaki Masami
イワサキ マサミ | Iwasaki Masami
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Home economics, lifestyle science
Research keywords (2):
, History of Costume
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
- 2008 - 2008 衣生活からみるブータン-伝統服の役割と変容を中心に-
- 2008 - 2008 Clothing Life in Bhutan - Role of the Traditional Costume and their Changes-
- 2004 - 2008 アフガニスタンの服飾と衣生活の変容-イラン・パキスタンにおける難民生活の状況から-
- 2004 - 2008 Changes in Costumes and Clothing Habits in Afganistan:A Study Based on the Living Conditions of Refugees in Iran and Pakistan
- 2004 - 2006 近代にイメージされた奈良朝服飾
- 1999 - 2006 中国・ウイグル女性の服飾
- 1999 - 2006 薬師寺吉祥天像の服飾について
- 1999 - 2006 Costumes of the Uygur Women in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,China
- 1999 - 2006 Costumes of the Kichijo-Ten belonging to Yakushiji Temple, Nara
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MISC (46):
インドにおける女子教育及び女性のライフコース-デリー及びボパールでの調査より(2007)-. 兵庫教育大学 研究紀要. 2008. 32
Women's Education and Life Courses in India: A Field Work Project in Delhi and Bhopal in 2007. 2008. 32
Iwasaki Masami. Concealing Apparel of Women in Contemporary Muslim Society : A Field Work Project in Afghanistan, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China, Pakistan and Iran. Research journal of living science. 2007. 54. 1. 16-25
正倉院の弾弓に描かれた散楽の服飾-服種と着装の視点から-. 家政学研究. 2007. 53. 2. 71-80
Concealing Apparel of Women in Contemporary Muslim Society -Research on Afghanistan, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China, Pakistan and Iran-. Research Journal of Living Science. 2007. 54. 1. 16-25
Books (15):
東方出版KK 2009
Diverse Aspects of Ancient Costume
中国・シルクロード ウイグル女性の家族と生活
東方出版(株) 2006
Family and Life of Uygur's Women in Silk Road,Xinjian Uygur Autonomous Region,China
Toho 2006
昭和堂(株) 2005
Committee career (1):
Awards (2):
- 1995 - 衣服研究奨励賞
- 1991 - 日本服飾学会賞
Association Membership(s) (2):
, Journal of Costume and Textile
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