Research field (1):
Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13):
2016 - 2019 A touchstone of nuclear structure theories: Versatile study on Zr-region nuclei via microscopic theories
2012 - 2017 Theoretical Study of Neutron Stars and Nuclear Matter
2013 - 2016 Elucidation of effects of shell structure and collective motions on nuclear level densities via microscopic theories
2010 - 2012 Elucidation of Shell Structure in Unstable Nuclei Based on Microscopic Nucleon-Nucleon Interactions
2008 - 2010 Evaluation of neutrino inelastic reaction rates by measurements of magnetic dipole strengths
2007 - 2009 Research toward unified understanding of low-energy phenomena in atomic nuclei
2006 - 2008 New Isomer in La-138 for supernova neutrino process
2003 - 2006 Research on nuclear thermodynamical properties via microscopic theories and applications to nuclear astrophysics
2001 - 2004 Study of Structures of proton-rich nuclei in the rp-nucleosynthesis process
1999 - 2000 殻模型モンテカルロ法による原子核の準位密度の微視的・系統的研究
1996 - 1997 Basic modes in nuclear collective motion
1996 - 1996 殻模型モンテカルロ法によるpf殻領域の原子核の準位密度の研究
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Papers (92):
T. Inakura, N. Hinohara, H. Nakada. Radial and orbital decomposition of charge radii of Ca nuclei: Comparative study of Skyrme and Fayans functionals. Physical Review C. 2024. 110. 5. 054315-1-054315-12
H. Nakada, T. Inakura. Significance of tensor force in pseudospin symmetry. Physical Review C. 2024. 110. 5. L051301-1-L051301-6
H. Nakada, K. Ishida. Self-consistent single-nucleon potential at positive energy produced by semi-realistic interaction and its examination via nucleon-nucleus elastic scattering. Physical Review C. 2024. 109. 4. 044614-1-044614-13
H. Nakada, K. Sugiura. Predicting magic numbers of nuclei with semi-realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions (vol 2014, 033D02, 2014). PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS. 2016. 9
Iwamoto C., Utsunomiya H., Tamii A., Akimune H., Nakada H., Shima T., Yamagata T., Kawabata T., Fujita Y., Matsubara H., et al. 12pSC-3 Measurement of Pygmy Dipole Resonance and M1 Resonance in ^<90>Zr by inelastic proton scattering. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2012. 67. 2. 73-73
Yamagata T., Akimune H., Kondo T., Iwamoto C., Harada H., Kitatani F., Goko S., Toyokawa H., Lui Y.-W., Goriely S., et al. 28aGJ-3 Striking behavior of photoneutron cross sections for ^<90>Zr near threshold. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2011. 66. 1. 61-61