J-GLOBAL ID:200901094655529821
Update date: Jun. 17, 2024
Uchida Shinya
ウチダ シンヤ | Uchida Shinya
Research field (3):
Rehabilitation science
, Neuroscience - general
, Cognitive sciences
Research keywords (4):
, 認知科学
, Neural Science
, Cognitive Science
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 神経結合性
- 発語運動制御の神経機構
- Neural connectivity
- Neural mechanisms underlying speech motor control
Education (5):
- - 2007 Tohoku University
- - 2003 Tokyo Institute of Technology
- - 2003 Tokyo Institute of Technology Department of Value and Decision Science
- - 1992 Seijo University Faculty of Arts and Literature
- - 1992 Seijo University Faculty of Arts and Letters
Professional career (2):
- Master of Philosophy (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- 博士(医学) (東北大学)
Work history (1):
- National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry National Institute of Neuroscience, Ncnp, Department of Model Animals for Human Disease Post doctoral fellow
Association Membership(s) (2):
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