J-GLOBAL ID:200901095942743300
Update date: Jan. 17, 2008
Yamaguchi Tadashi
ヤマグチ タダシ | Yamaguchi Tadashi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Research keywords (2):
Differential Geometry
, 微分幾何学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- アダマール多様体の理想境界の幾何
- Geometry of Ideal Boundaries of Hadamard Manifolds
MISC (7):
Axioms and Jacobi vector fields of Hadamard Manifolds. Memoire of the Faculty Science, Kyushu University, Series A. 1990. 44. 2
The estimates for Ricci and scalar curvatures of Brieskorn manifolds W2n-1 (d). Mathematical Reports of College of General Education, Kyushu Univ. 1982. 13. 2
Sectional curvatures of W2n-1 (d). Memoire of the Faculty Science, Kyushu University, Series A. 1981. 35. 2
On the comparison of geodesic triangles on manifolds whose sectional curvatures are upper-bounded. Mathematical Reports of College of General Education, Kyushu Univ. 1977. 11. 1
On certain positively curved submanifolds in Kaehler manifolds. Mathematical Reports of College of General Education, Kyushu Univ. 1970. 7. 2
Books (2):
Tits metric and visibility axiom
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 1993
On the lengths of stable Jacobi fields
Gemetry of Manifolds, Academic Press, Perspectives in Mathematics, 8 1989
Education (4):
- - 1966 Kyushu University
- - 1966 Kyushu University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Mathematics
- - 1964 Kyushu University School of Sciences Department of Mathematics
- - 1964 Kyushu University Faculty of Science Mathematics
Professional career (1):
- (BLANK) (Kyushu University)
Association Membership(s) (1):
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