J-GLOBAL ID:200901096060489217
Update date: Dec. 05, 2024
Yamaguchi Masayoshi
ヤマグチ マサヨシ | Yamaguchi Masayoshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (4):
Metabolism and endocrinology
, Tumor biology
, Nutrition and health science
, Pharmaceuticals - health and biochemistry
Research keywords (1):
Regucalcin, RGPR-p117 Transcription Factor, Calcium Signaling and Bone, Cancer Biology, Nutraceuticals
Research theme for competitive and other funds (16):
- 2005 - 2007 多機能性蛋白質レギュカルチン遺伝子の臓器特異的発現を調節する転写因子の解析
- 2001 - 2003 Studies on Functional Regulation in Endogenous Regucalcin, An Intracellular Calcium Signaling Regulatory Protein, in Regucalcin Transgenic Rats
- 1998 - 2000 Transcriptional Regulatory Mechanism for Ca^<2+>-Signaling Regulatory Protein Regucalcin Gene Which Is Expressed Specifically in Liver Cells
- 1996 - 1997 Gene Expression of Regulatory Protein Regucalcin of Ca^<2+>-Signaling and Its Regulatory Mechanism.
- 1994 - 1995 Expression of a novel Ca^<2+>-binding protein regucalcin and rlation to its physiologic role
- 1992 - 1993 Regulatory role of ca^<2+> -binging protein requcalcin in signal transduction system and its mechanism
- 1990 - 1991 Studies on Liver Cellular Functions by a Novel Ca^<2+>-Binding Protein Regucalcin
- 1988 - 1989 Studies on the Role of A Novel Ca^<2+>-Binding Protein Regucalcin in Liver Cell Functions
- 1988 - 細胞内情報伝達系の制御蛋白質レギュカルチンの発見とその研究
- 1985 - 食品成分による骨代謝調節機能と骨粗鬆症の予防に関する研究
- 1984 - 1984 カルチトニンによる肝脂肪酸合成促進の生理的意義とその作用発現機構
- 1982 - 1982 カルチトニンによる肝細胞膜カルシウム透過促進機構
- 1981 - 1981 カルチトニンの肝細胞膜受容体への結合と細胞応答
- 1980 - 1980 カルチトニンによる血糖上昇作用の発現機構
- 1979 - 1979 肝細胞内カルシウムの動態とその調節機構
- 1975 - カルチトニンのカルシウム肝蓄積作用の機構とその生理的意義に関する研究
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Papers (574):
Masayoshi Yamaguchi, Kenji Yoshiike, Hideaki Watanabe, Mitsugu Watanabe. The Marine Factor 3,5-dihydroxy-4-methoxybenzyl Alcohol Suppresses Cell Growth, Inflammatory Cytokine Production, and NF-κB Signaling-enhanced Osteoclastogenesis in In vitro Mouse Macrophages RAW264.7 Cells. Current Molecular Medicine. 2024. in press
Masayoshi Yamaguchi. The Marine Alga Sargassum horneri Is a Functional Food with High Bioactivity. Nutraceuticals. 2024
Ghanem NZ, Yamaguchi M. Regucalcin downregulation in human cancer. Life Sciences. 2024. 340. 122448
Masayoshi Yamaguchi, Kenji Yoshiike, Hideaki Watanabe, Mitsugu Watanabe. The marine factor 3,5-dihydroxy-4-methoxybenzyl alcohol prevents TNF-α-mediated impairment of mineralization in mouse osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells: Impact of macrophage activation. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 2024
Masayoshi Yamaguchi. Regucalcin Is a Potential Regulator in Human Cancer: Aiming to Expand into Cancer Therapy. Cancers. 2023. 15. 5489-5512
MISC (9):
YAMAGUCHI Masayoshi. Role of Zinc in Bone Metabolism and Preventive Effect on Bone Disorder. 2007. 18. 2. 150-150
UCHIYAMA Satoshi, YAMAGUCHI Masayoshi. Role of Zinc and Bone Metabolism : Zinc Enhances Synergistically Anabolic Effect of β-Cryptoxanthin on Bone Components in Rat Femoral Tissues. 2006. 17. 2. 186-186
YAMAGUCHI Masayoshi. Role of Zinc in Regulation of Bone Metabolism and Its Mechanism : Approach to Reversal of Bone Disorders. Biomedical research on trace elements. 2002. 13. 2. 90-105
YAMAGUCHI MASAYOSHI. The Role of Zinc as a Stimulating Factor in Bone Formation. Japanese Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 1990. 36. 85-85
YAMAGUCHI MASAYOSHI, OKADA SHOJI. The Action of Zinc on Calcium Metabolism and Its Mechanism in Rats (Regular Presentations) (Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Environmental Pollutants and Toxicology). Japanese Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 1983. 29. 1. "P-44"
Patents (27):
Method for treating disease associated with transcription activation by NF-κB
Methods and formulations for supporting and promoting bone health
Therapeutic combination of sesquiterpenes and flavonoids
Method for suppressing proliferation and/or inducing apoptosis of cancer cells
Books (29):
Colorectal Cancer: Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment
Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA 2019
Regucalcin: Metabolic Regulation and Disease
Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA 2019
Osteoclastogenesis: Research Advances and Clinical Challenges
Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA 2017
: Advances in Carcinogenesis
Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA 2017
The Role of Regucalcin in Cell Homeostasis and Disorder
Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA 2017
Education (3):
- 1976 - 静岡県立静岡薬科大学大学院 薬学博士(論文博士) Shizuoka College of Pharmacy, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- 1971 - 1973 静岡県立静岡薬科大学大学院 薬学研究科 Shizuoka College of Pharmacy, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- 1967 - 1971 静岡県立静岡薬科大学 薬学部 Shizuoka College of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy
Professional career (1):
- Ph. D. (Shizuoka Collese of Plarmacy (Japan))
Committee career (35):
- 2024/04 - 現在 World Journal of Oncology Editorial Board Member
- 2024/04 - 現在 Tumor Discovery Editorial Board Member
- 2024/01 - 現在 Current Oncology Editorial Board Member
- 2023/11 - 現在 Disease & Research Editorial Board Member
- 2023/01 - 現在 Current Cell Science Founding Editor-in-Chief
- 2022/06 - 現在 Discover Oncology Editorial Board Member
- 2021/01 - 現在 The USERN (Universal Science and Education Research Network) Advisory Board Member
- 2021/01 - 現在 Translational Oncology Editorial Board Member
- 2021/01 - 現在 Current Cancer Drug Targets Co-Editor and Editorial Board Member
- 2020/03 - 現在 Cancers Editorial Board Member
- 2019/12 - 現在 Current Molecular Medicine Editorial Advisory Board Member
- 2019/10 - 現在 Current Nutraceuticals Section Editor & Editorial Board Member
- 2014/06 - 現在 International Journal of Diabetes & Clinical Diagnosis Editor-in-Chief
- 2012/12 - 現在 Hormonal Studies Editor-in-Chief
- 2011/04 - 現在 Endocrinology & Metabolic Syndrome Editor-in-Chief
- 2004/06 - 現在 The International Biographical Centre (Cambridge, England) Deputy Director General
- 2004/04 - 現在 The American Biographical Institute Research Association (Raleigh, USA) Lifetime Deputy Governor
- 2021/01 - 2022/12 The EU Academy of Science Member
- 2015/08 - 2019/09 International Journal of Oncology Editorial Academy Member
- 2012/04 - 2019/09 Biomedical Reports Editorial Board Member
- 2009/01 - 2019/09 Molecular Medicine Reports Editorial Board Member
- 2001/01 - 2019/09 Internationa Journal of Molecular Medicine Editorial Academy Member
- 2010 - 2019 Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine Editorial Board Member
- 2009/01 - 2016/08 Journal of Osteoporosis Editorial Board Member
- 2014/07 - 2016/05 Integrative Cancer Science and Therapeutics Founding Editor-in-Chief
- 2014/07 - 2016/05 Integrative Molecular Medicine Founding Editor-in-Chief
- 2014/07 - 2016/03 in Integrative Food, Nutrition and Metabolism Founding Editor-in-Chief
- 2010/06 - 2013/11 Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry Editorial Board Member
- 1992/07 - 2011/12 日本生化学会 評議員
- 1994/06 - 2011/03 日本微量元素学会 評議員
- 1988/08 - 2010/03 日本骨代謝学会 評議員
- 1988/07 - 2010/03 日本内分泌学会 評議員,代議員
- 2000/10 - 2008/12 日本骨粗鬆症学会 評議員
- 1991/03 - 2007/12 日本薬理学会 評議員
- 1999/06 - 2007/06 肝細胞研究会 世話人
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Awards (23):
- 2024/08 - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masayoshi_Yamaguchi Masayoshi Yamaguchi-Wikipedia
- 2022/12 - SIGMA XI (The Scientific Research Honor Society), USA Full Membership
- 2022/03 - Distinguished Scientist Award
- 2021/04 - The USERN; The Universal Sciences and Research Network (USERN) Advisory Board Member
- 2021/01 - Member of The EU Academy of Sciences The EU Academy of Sciences
- 2020/06 - 「Marquis Who'sWho in the World 2020」 (Marquis Who'sWho, USA)
- 2017/07 - 「The 2017 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award」(Marquis Who's Who, USA)
- 2016/03 - 「It’s The Journey Award」(It’s The Journey Inc., Atlanta, USA)
- 2007/07 - 平成19年度「日本微量元素学会学会賞」 「生体必須元素亜鉛の骨代謝調節における役割と骨病態修復」
- 2006/03 - 平成17年度「宮田記念学術論文賞」 「食品由来生理活性因子の骨代謝調節機能とその骨粗鬆症の予防への展開」
- 2005/05 - 「Lifetime Achievement Award 2005」(The United Cultural Convention, Raleigh, USA)
- 2005/05 - 「Lifetime Achievement Award」(The World Congress of Arts, Sciences and Communications (Cambridge, England)
- 2004/12 - 「The World Lifetime Achievement Award」(The American Biographical Institute, Inc., Raleigh, USA)
- 2004/11 - . 第36回 財団法人病態代謝研究会研究助成 「新規遺伝子組み換え動物レギュカルチントランスジェニックラットの生活習慣病モデル動物としての有用性とその医薬品開発への展開」
- 2004/10 - 「The American Hall of Fame」 (The American Biographical Institute, Inc., Raleigh, USA)
- 2004/09 - 「The International Order of Merit」 (The International Biographical Centre of Cambridge, England)
- 2004/08 - 「The IBC Lifetime Achievement Award」 (The International Biographical Centre of Cambridge, England)
- 1999/06 - 三島海雲記念財団学術奨励賞 「イソフラボンの骨代謝調節機能とその骨粗鬆症の予防的役割に関する研究「」
- 1994/03 - 第14回薬学研究奨励財団研究助成 「カルシウム結合蛋白質レギュカルチンによる肝細胞核機能の調節とその機構」
- 1992/05 - 第29回財団法人知恩会斉藤賞 「カルシウム調節ホルモンカルチトニンの肝糖代謝調節における役割とその細胞内情報伝達機構に関する研究」
- 1992/03 - 第15回佐藤記念国内賞 「生体必須元素亜鉛の骨形成促進因子としての役割と機構ならびにその病態への応用に関する研究」
- 1987/06 - 武田科学振興財団研究助成 「カルチトニンの肝細胞膜受容伝達機構の研究-特に肝細胞内Ca 流入刺激機構との関連において-」
- 1981/06 - 日本薬学会東海支部 第1回日本薬学会東海支部学術奨励賞 「カルシウム代謝における肝臓の役割とその調節機構」
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Association Membership(s) (14):
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society (USA)
, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
, New York Academy of Sciences
, 日本生化学会
, 日本薬学会
, 日本微量元素学会
, 日本内分泌学会
, 日本骨代謝学会
, 日本骨粗鬆症学会
, 日本薬理学会
, International Society for Bone and Mineral
, 肝細胞研究会
, European Society of Calcium
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