Negishi Shoko. Foreign Investment Strategies of Global and Kansai - Local Transnational Corporations -. Doshisha University policy studies. 2008. 2. 78-83
根岸 祥子. "Investment Climate and External Finance in East Asia: What Really Matters?". 2007. 6. 1. 74-98
"The Post-Crisis East Asia - Recovery and Sustainable Development"
Asian Economy 2004
Chapter 3 The Poor Countries International Financial Transactions
Global Development Finance 2002: Building Coalitions for Effective Development Finance, World Bank 2002
Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions and Asian Restructuring
Resolution of Financial Distress. World Bank Institute 2001
Chapter 3: Asian Restructuring: From Cyclical Recovery to Sustainable Growth
Global Economic Prospects and the Developing Countries 2000, World Bank 2000
Chapter 3: Foreign Direct Investment Resilient in the Face of Financial Crisis.
Global Development Finance 1999, World Bank 1999
Lectures and oral presentations (14):
Discussion Notes for Functioning of Capital Markets and Their Role in Value Creation
(the 15th OECD/ADBI Roundtable on Capital Market and Financial Reform in Asia 2015)
- 1994 Keio University Graduate School of Business and Commerce
- 1994 Keio University Graduate School of Business and Commerce
- 1992 Keio University Faculty of Business and Commerce
- 1992 Keio University Faculty of Business and Commerce
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Professional career (1):
Master of Business and Commerce (Keio University)
Work history (6):
2002 - 2004 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University,
2002 - 2004 Kobe University Graduate School of Economics
2004 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Studies, Doshisha University,
2004 - Doshisha University Faculty of Policy Studies
1997 - 2002 Economist, International Finance Team, Development Prospect Group, World Bank,
1997 - 2002 世界銀行開発予測局国際金融部 エコノミスト
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Awards (3):
2000 - Spot Award for Outstanding Performance, the World Bank
2000 - Spot Award for Outstanding Performance, the World Bank
1994 - 「国際産業連関表活用分析コンテスト」一等佳作賞
Association Membership(s) (6):
, アジア政経学会
, East Asian Economic Association
, Japanese Economic Association
, Japan Association for Asian Studies
, East Asian Economic Association