Research field (3):
Quantum beam science
, Particle, nuclear, cosmic-ray, and astrophysics - experiment
, Inorganic and coordination chemistry
Research keywords (2):
Superheavy elements
, 核・放射化学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2022 - 2026 High-precision verification method for probability of photo- and fast-neutron nuclear reactions and selection of nuclear reactions for large-scale RI production
2018 - 2023 Superheavy Element Atomic Science Opened-up by the First Ionization Potential Measurements of Element 113, Nihonium
2018 - 2021 Measurement of adsorption enthalpy of rutherfordium chloride and application for group 12-15 elements
K. Shirai, S. Goto, K. Ooe, H. Kudo. Isothermal gas chromatography study of Zr and Hf tetrachlorides using radiotracers of 88Zr and 175Hf ---Towards investigation of gas-phase chemistry of Rf---. Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences. 2021. 21. 7-14
K. Hirose, K. Nishio, S. Tanaka, R. Léguillon, H. Makii, I. Nishinaka, R. Orlandi, K. Tsukada, J. Smallcombe, M. J. Vermeulen, et al. Role of Multichance Fission in the Description of Fission-Fragment Mass Distributions at High Energies. Physical Review Letters. 2017. 119. 22
Tanaka T., Takeyama M., Yoneda A., Haba H., Komori Y., Yanou S., Gall B. J. P., Asfari Z., Faure H., Hasebe H., et al. 21aAX-5 Study of barrier distribution in very heavy reaction system at the RIKEN-GARIS. Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2016. 71. 0. 366-366
Hirose K., Tsukada K., Asai M., Nagame Y., Andreyev A., Hofmann S., Ackermann D., Hessberger F. P., Heinz S., Khuyagbaatar J., et al. 25pSF-4 Experimental research on fusion-fission and multi-nucleon transfer reactions at JAEA. Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2015. 70. 0. 240-241
Isothermal gas chromatography of chloride of Zr and Hf at off-line experiment for the gas-phase investigation of Rf
(6th International Conference on the Chemistry and Physics of the Transactinide Elements (TAN19) 2019)