Research field (2):
Foreign language education
, Educational technology
Research keywords (7):
, 電子辞書
, 教育工学
, 英語教育
, Electronic Dictionary
, Foreign Language Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2008 - 2010 電子辞書を有効利用するための英語学習支援: 辞書使用方略の研究
2008 - 2010 For the effective use of hand-held electronic dictionaries: An empirical study
2000 - How Japanese EFL Students Differ in Using Dictionaries : Printed Dictionaries vs. Electronic Dictionaries
MISC (25):
How has the difference affected the retention? : Two empirical studies on electronic dictionaries "jointly worked". Proceedings of the Foreign Language Education and Technology Conference (FLEAT V). 2005
Does an assigned task result in better retention of words?: Two empirical studies on hand-held electronic dictionaries. "jointly worked". Language Education & Technology(外国語教育メディア学会). 2005. 42, 119-132
- 2006 Kansai University Foreign Language Education and Research Foreign Language Education and Research
- 2001 Kansai University
- 2001 Kansai University Faculty of Imformatics
Professional career (2):
the Master of Informatics degree (Kansai University)
Doctor of Philosophy in Foreign Laguage Education and Research (Kansai University)
Work history (9):
2008 - 現在 Associate Professor, Osaka Ohtani University, Department of English
2005 - 2008 大阪大阪大谷大学短期大学部 生活創造学科 専任講師
2005 - 2008 Assistant Professor, Osaka Ohtani College Life and Creative Science
2008 - - 大阪大谷大学文学部英米語学科 准教授
2001 - 2005 大谷女子短期大学海外コミュニケーション学科 助手
2001 - 2005 Research Assistant, Ohtani Women's College, Department of Cross-Cultural Communication
1985 - 2001 大谷女子短期大学英語英文学科 助手
1985 - 2000 Research Associate, Ohtani Women's College
Department of English Language and Literature
Show all
Committee career (2):
2008 - 外国語教育メディア学会 理事
2000 - The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology committee
Association Membership(s) (7):
, 関西英語教育学会
, 日本教育工学会
, 大学英語教育学会
, Japan Society for Educational Technology
, The Japan Association of College English Teachers
, The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology