J-GLOBAL ID:200901097281573243
Update date: May. 25, 2018
Kikuchi Jyoji
キクチ ジョウジ | Kikuchi Jyoji
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Research field (1):
Education - general
Research keywords (2):
, Sociology of Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2002 - 2007 教育システムのマクロ分析
2002 - 2007 Comparative and Historical Analysis of Education Systems
2000 - 2004 メリトクラシーの社会的起源
2000 - 2004 Social Origins of Meritocracy in Modern Japan
MISC (4):
教育社会学の日本的展開. 教育社会学研究 第64集. 1999. pp. 39-53
誰が中等学校へ進学したか. 大阪大学教育学年報 第2号. 1997. pp. 1-22
誰が高等教育をうけたか. 大阪大学教育学年報 第1号. 1996. pp. 97-115
学歴・階層・職業. 教育社会学研究 第50集. 1992. pp. 87-106
Books (4):
Educational Opprtunity and Social Class in Modern Japan
University of Tokyo Press 2003
東京大学出版会 2003
Educational Opprtunity and Social Class in Modern Japan
University of Tokyo Press 2003
広島大学大学教育研究センター・高築教育研究叢書53 1999
Education (4):
- 1966 The University of Tokyo
- 1966 The University of Tokyo School of Education Sociology of Education
- 1961 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Education
- 1961 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Education Department of Education
Professional career (1):
Master (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (8):
1982 - 2002 Associate and Full'Professor, Osaka Universi
1973 - 1982 Osaka University
1973 - 1982 国立教育研究所研究員・主任研究官・室長
1973 - 1982 Researcher and Chief Researcher, National Inst
1966 - 1973 Osaka University
1966 - 1973 Research Associate, Osaka University
itute of Educational Research
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Committee career (2):
1984 - 2002 日本教育社会学会 理事
1984 - 2002 The Japan Society of Education Sociology a executive committee member
Association Membership(s) (2):
, The Japan Society of Education Sociology
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