Research theme for competitive and other funds (30):
2022 - 2025 Study on fish community structure using environmental DNA under the Arctic sea ice
2021 - 2025 Influence of global environment change and artificial environmental modification on distribution and migration mechanisms of eel genus Anguilla
2017 - 2021 環境DNAを用いた全国の河川におけるニホンウナギの分布・生息量推定
2016 - 2020 Studies on the restoration of Japanese eel stocks through understanding of ecological connectivity between rivers and coasts
2013 - 2018 環境DNA分析に基づく魚類群衆の定量モニタリングと生態系評価方法の開発
2014 - 2017 Studies of regional development strategies based on agricultural- and fishery- production systems through ecological connectivity from forests to oceans
2010 - 2014 Field experiments on the restoration of hypoxic environment in enclosed bays: practice in Omura Bay as a simulator.
2009 - 2012 Estimate of biological productivity of estuarine and coastal areas as nursery grounds for commercially important fish juveniles
2009 - 2011 Biochemical studies on of ecological function of meiobenthos
2008 - 2010 農業系水域ネットワークに生息する生物の移動履歴に関する生体情報分析法の開発
2006 - 2008 Effect of increase of jerry fish on coastal ecosystem accompanied by hypoxia
2006 - 2008 Studies on mechanisms of high biological production associated with large turbulence mixing
2006 - 2008 Studies on the utilization of terrestrial organic matter in the biological production system of estuarine and coastal waters
2006 - 2008 Origin and unique characteristics of "Continental relict ecosystem"existed in the bottom of Ariake Bay, Japan
2002 - 2004 貝類による陸上起源有機物の除去量の推定
2000 - 2001 伊勢湾下層に形成される貧酸素水塊の分布、変動に及ぼす流動構造の影響
1997 - 1999 Effect of meso-scale oceanographic features on the larval growth and survival of small pelagic fishes in the Kuroshio-Oyashio transitional regions.
1996 - 1997 Analysis of migration paths and life histories of aquatic animals by means of biotelemetry system
1996 - 1996 黒潮フロント域における低次生産に関する研究
1995 - 1995 生物装着記録標識を用いたブリ成魚の回遊行動に関する研究
1993 - 1994 Migration behavior of loggerhead turtle measured by datatags.
Ecosystem in the Ocean examined by stable istope analysis
Flow pattern in estuaries
Biorogical production and physical environment in coastal waters
The effect of egg and larval transport on the recruitment of Pelagic fish
Takuma Yonago, Tatsuya Kawakami, Akihide Kasai. Linkage between spatiotemporal distribution of environmental DNA and phenological activity in an amphidromous fish, ayu Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis, in a river located in its northernmost distributional area. Journal of Fish Biology. 2024. 104. 5. 1468-1482
Daiki NOMURA, Ryota AKINO, Matthew CORKILL, Keizo HIRANO, Akihide KASAI, Seiji KATAKURA, Yusuke KAWAGUCHI, Tatsuya KAWAKAMI, Riri KIMURA, Delphine LANNUZEL, et al. Multidisciplinary research for sea ice in Saroma-ko Lagoon, Hokkaido, Japan 2023(2023年北海道サロマ湖における学際的海氷研究について). Bulletin of Glaciological Research. 2024. 42. 19-37
Yukari Suzuki-Ohno, Akifumi S. Tanabe, Akihide Kasai, Reiji Masuda, Satoquo Seino, Akihiro Dazai, Shota Suzuki, Takuzo Abe, Michio Kondoh. Evaluation of community science monitoring with environmental DNA for marine fish species: “Fish survey project using environmental DNA ”. Environmental DNA. 2023
Tatsuya Kawakami, Aya Yamazaki, Maki Asami, Yuko Goto, Hiroki Yamanaka, Susumu Hyodo, Hiromichi Ueno, Akihide Kasai. Evaluating the sampling effort for the metabarcoding-based detection of fish environmental DNA in the open ocean. Ecology and Evolution. 2023. 13. 3
土橋 稜, 上野 洋路, 加藤 陸, 閻 乃筝, 向井 徹, 安間 洋樹, 野村 大樹, 伊藤 幸彦, 笠井 亮秀. 黒潮親潮混合域における高気圧性渦が魚類分布に与える影響-Impact of anticyclonic eddy on fish distribution in the Kuroshio-Oyashio transition area. 水産海洋研究 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Oceanography. 2024. 88. 3. 178-189
2024/03 - The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science Award of Excellence for a Scientific Paper The effect of temperature on environmental DNA degradation of Japanese eel
2022/03 - Award of Excellence for a Scientific Paper Dispersion and degradation of environmental DNA from caged fish in a marine environment
2017/03 - Japanese Society of Fisheries Oceanography Best paper award of Japanese Society of Fisheries Oceanography
2006/03 - 日本水産学会 論文賞 Food sources for the bivalve Corbicula japonica in the foremost fishing lakes estimated from stable isotope analysis
2002/03 - 水産海洋学会 水産海洋学会論文賞 伊勢湾の流動構造と貧酸素水塊
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Association Membership(s) (7):
, 瀬戸内海研究会議
, 日本海洋学会沿岸海洋研究部会