Research field (3):
Nuclear fusion
, Basic plasma science
, Applied plasma science
Research keywords (2):
, Plasma Physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (26):
2017 - 2020 Investigation of the localized reconnection by using the 3D millimeter imaging diagnostics
2012 - 2017 Physics and macro control of particle circulation in a multi hierarchical complex-open system
2011 - 2016 Self-organization of magnetospheric plasma confinement: nonlinear effect of distorted metric in foliated phase space
2011 - 2015 Study of spatial asymmetry of nonlinear energy transfer in tokamak plasma turbulence
2009 - 2014 Current Drive in Spherical Tokamak Plasmas by the Lower Hybrid Wave
2012 - 2012 Development of an optically trapped multiple-pass Thomson scattering measurement system
2011 - 2012 Demonstration of an in-situ relative calibration method of Thomson scattering diagnostics for burning plasmas.
2011 - 2011 磁気圏型プラズマのイオン加熱と高ベータ高性能閉じ込め
2009 - 2011 Start-up and control of a spherical tokamak plasma using pressure driven current
2004 - 2009 Production and maintenance of high beta spherical tokamak plasmas using a new method
2009 - 2009 合体生成球状トカマクプラズマ加熱の相乗効果
2006 - 2007 ブートストラップ電流による電流駆動
2007 - 高ベータプラズマ中の波動物理研究
2006 - 2006 高周波波動およびマイクロ波反射計を用いた高波数TAE計測模擬実験
2003 - 2006 ICRF高次高調速波を使った高ベータプラズマ生成法の開発
2002 - 2005 センターソレノイドを使わないプラズマ電流立ち上げ法の開発
1999 - 2002 速波電流駆動アンテナの開発研究
1998 - 1999 RF Heating of Spherical Tokamak Plasmas
Industrial Applications of Plasmas
Study of Plasma Transport in Spherical Tokamaks
Plasma Initiation and Maintenance Experiments in Spherical Tokamaks
Radiofreqnency Heating and Current Drive Experiments in Tokamaks
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Papers (352):
K. Kuroda, R. Raman, T. Onchi, M. Hasegawa, K. Hanada, M. Ono, B.A. Nelson, J. Rogers, R. Ikezoe, H. Idei, et al. Demonstration of transient CHI startup using a floating biased electrode configuration. Nuclear Fusion. 2023. 64. 1. 014002-014002
O. Watanabe, Y. Ko, N. Tsujii, Y. Takase, A. Ejiri, K. Shinohara, Y. Peng, K. Iwasaki, I. Yamada, G. Yatomi, et al. Design of a finline antenna for current drive in TST-2. Fusion Engineering and Design. 2022. 178. 113094-113094
Akira Ejiri, Hibiki Yamazaki, Yuichi Takase, Naoto Tsujii, Osamu Watanabe, Yi Peng, Kotaro Iwasaki, Yuki Aoi, Yongtae Ko, Kyohei Matsuzaki, et al. A Fast Electron Transport Model for Lower Hybrid Wave Sustained Plasmas. Plasma and Fusion Research. 2022. 17
N. Tsujii, Y. Takase, A. Ejiri, O. Watanabe, H. Yamazaki, Y. Peng, K. Iwasaki, Y. Aoi, Y. Ko, K. Matsuzaki, et al. Modification of the magneto-hydrodynamic equilibrium by the lower-hybrid wave driven fast electrons on the TST-2 spherical tokamak. Nuclear Fusion. 2021. 61. 11. 116047-116047
Shinichiro Kojima, Kazuaki Hanada, Hiroshi Idei, Takumi Onchi, Ryuya Ikezoe, Yoshihiko Nagashima, Makoto Hasegawa, Kengoh Kuroda, Kazuo Nakamura, Aki Higashijima, et al. Observation of second harmonic electron cyclotron resonance heating and current-drive transition during non-inductive plasma start-up experiment in QUEST. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2021. 63. 10
Y. Takase, A. Ejiri, T. Fujita, K. Hanada, H. Idei, M. Nagata, T. Onchi, Y. Ono, H. Tanaka, N. Tsujii, et al. Overview of coordinated spherical tokamak research in Japan. Nuclear Fusion. 2022. 62. 4
永島芳彦, 花田和明, 小島信一郎, ELSERAFY H., 図子秀樹, 長谷川真, 中村一男, 出射浩, 藤澤彰英, 江尻晶, et al. Initial results of SOL plasma measurements with an electrode system during SSTOs in QUEST. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2022. 77. 1
小島信一郎, 村上貴洋, 花田和明, HATEM Elserafy, 出射浩, 井戸毅, 池添竜也, 永島芳彦, 長谷川真, 恩地拓己, et al. Excitation Experiment of Electron Bernstein Waves by X-mode High field side injection on QUEST. プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web). 2020. 37th
出射浩, 恩地拓己, 福山雅治, 加藤凌哉, 工藤倫大, 武田康佑, 池添竜也, 江尻晶, 大澤佑規, PENG Y., et al. Electron Cyclotron Plasma Ramp-up under Control of Resonance Velocity Space in QUEST. プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web). 2020. 37th
Temporal evolution of the pressure profile and mode behavior during internal reconnection events in the MAST spherical tokamak
(17th Int. Toki Conference and 16th Int. Stellarator/Heliotron Workshop 2007 2007)
GAM eigenmode in multi-ion system
(17th Int. Toki Conference and 16th Int. Stellarator/Heliotron Workshop 2007 2007)