J-GLOBAL ID:200901098699348935
Update date: Aug. 13, 2024
Tanaka Kazuma
タナカ カズマ | Tanaka Kazuma
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (2):
Molecular biology
, Cell biology
Research keywords (7):
, 分子生物学
, 細胞生物学
, Genetics
, Biochemistry
, Molecular biology
, Cell biology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (37):
- 2019 - 2024 Physiological significance of phospholipid asymmetry in Golgi membranes
- 2009 - 2013 生体膜リン脂質非対称性の変化が制御する細胞機能の解析
- 2009 - 2011 Role of novel kinases that regulate the function of phospholipid flippases
- 2006 - 2009 Regulation of membrane trafficking and cell polarity by changes in phospholipid asymmetry
- 2005 - 2006 The regulation of membrane phospholipid asymmetry is involved in the establishment of cell polarity.
- 2004 - 2005 膜リン脂質の非対称性がメンブレントラフィックに果たす役割
- 2003 - 2005 Roles for phospholipid asymmetry in cell polarity
- 2001 - 2001 細胞形態異常により細胞周期進行を止めるモニター経路の解析
- 2001 - 2001 アクチン細胞骨格再編成に関与する蛋白質間相互作用の役割
- 2000 - 2001 Rho低分子量G蛋白質系による細胞質分裂の制御機構
- 1998 - 2001 Mechanisms of formation and destruction of the contractile ring during cytokinesis
- 2000 - 2000 モデル真核単細胞生物による細胞運動機構研究の現状と展望
- 2000 - 2000 細胞形態異常により細胞周期進行を止めるモニター経路の解析
- 2000 - 2000 アクチン細胞骨格系を制御するシグナル伝達蛋白質群の分子間相互作用機構
- 2000 - 2000 出芽酵母ミオシン分子の機能制御機構の解析
- 1999 - 2000 Development of a new screening system for drugs that modify the signaling pathways regulating the actin cytoskeleton
- 1999 - 2000 Isolation and analysis of new genes that regulate the actin cytoskeleton system
- 2000 - Molecular mechanisms of the formation of cell polarity
- 1998 - 1999 Modes of activation and action of Small G proteins
- 1994 - 1999 細胞の増殖・分化のシグナルの伝達機構
- 1997 - 1998 Analysis of the Rho small GTP-binding proteinmediated signaling cascade
- 1997 - 1998 Development of the screening system for a new drug which modifies the Rho small GTP-binding protein-mediated signaling pathway
- 1996 - 1996 Rhoを介する低分子量G蛋白質カスケードの分子機構
- 1996 - 1996 細胞質分裂における低分子量G蛋白質Rhoの機能と作用機構
- 1994 - 1996 Signal transduction of Small GTP-binding proteins
- 1995 - 1995 低分子量G蛋白質RhoとRasおよびその関連蛋白質の構造と機能の解析
- 1994 - 1995 cDNAs and antibodies for small GTP-binding proteins
- 1993 - 1995 Molecular mechanisms of G1/s transition
- 1994 - 1994 低分子量G蛋白質RasおよびRhoと関連蛋白質の構造と機能の解析
- 1994 - 1994 細胞質分裂における低分子量G蛋白質Rhoの機能と作用機構
- 1992 - 1994 Regulation of gene expression by protein kinase in yeast
- 1993 - 1993 蛋白質の選別輸送における低分子量GTP結合蛋白質の機能と作用機構
- 1993 - 1993 細胞内情報伝達系と細胞増殖の制御機構
- 1992 - 1992 神経線維腫症1型(NFI)遺伝子及びその産物の機能解析
- 1991 - 1991 Neurofibromatosis type 1(NF1)遺伝子の機能解析
- 1989 - 1989 酵母RAS2蛋白質の活性調節機構
- 1986 - 1987 Control of yeast cell growth by protein phosphorylation dephosphorylation
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Papers (61):
Kaori Kanemaru, Makoto Shimozawa, Manabu Kitamata, Rikuto Furuishi, Hinako Kayano, Yui Sukawa, Yuuki Chiba, Takatsugu Fukuyama, Junya Hasegawa, Hiroki Nakanishi, et al. Plasma membrane phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-bisphosphate is critical for determination of epithelial characteristics. Nature communications. 2022. 13. 1. 2347-2347
Tetsuo Mioka, Tian Guo, Shiyao Wang, Takuma Tsuji, Takuma Kishimoto, Toyoshi Fujimoto, Kazuma Tanaka. Characterization of micron-scale protein-depleted plasma membrane domains in phosphatidylserine-deficient yeast cells. Journal of cell science. 2022. 135. 5
Takuma Kishimoto, Tetsuo Mioka, Eriko Itoh, David E Williams, Raymond J Andersen, Kazuma Tanaka. Phospholipid flippases and Sfk1 are essential for the retention of ergosterol in the plasma membrane. Molecular biology of the cell. 2021. 32. 15. 1374-1392
Tomomi Suzuki, Tetsuo Mioka, Kazuma Tanaka, Akira Nagatani. An optogenetic system to control membrane phospholipid asymmetry through flippase activation in budding yeast. Scientific Reports. 2020. 10. 1
Mamoru Miyasaka, Tetsuo Mioka, Takuma Kishimoto, Eriko Itoh, Kazuma Tanaka. A complex genetic interaction implicates that phospholipid asymmetry and phosphate homeostasis regulate Golgi functions. PloS one. 2020. 15. 7. e0236520
MISC (17):
Tetsuo Mioka, Guo Tian, Wang Shiyao, Takuma Tsuji, Takuma Kishimoto, Toyoshi Fujimoto, Kazuma Tanaka. Phosphatidylserine prevents the generation of a protein-free giant plasma membrane domain in yeast. bioRxiv. 2020
T. Mioka, K. Fujimura-Kamada, N. Mizugaki, T. Sano, T. Yamamoto, K. Tanaka. Yeast DRAM1/TMEM150 family protein Sfk1p, a potential regulator of the phospholipid asymmetry, is involved in the permeability of the plasma membrane. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL. 2015. 26
Kazuma Tanaka, Konomi Fujimura-Kamada, Takaharu Yamamoto. Functions of phospholipid flippases. JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY. 2011. 149. 2. 131-143
岸本 拓磨, 山本 隆晴, 田中 一馬. 細胞極性形成におけるアクチン細胞骨格再編成の膜脂質による制御 (細胞骨格と接着) -- (細胞極性). 蛋白質核酸酵素. 2006. 51. 6. 767-775
野路 武寛, 山本 隆晴, 近藤 哲, 田中 一馬. 膜脂質二重層の内外のリン脂質輸送を制御するDnfl-Lem3複合体の生理機能の解明. 日本外科学会雑誌. 2006. 107. 2. 484-484
Books (3):
酵母のすべて 系統、細胞から分子まで 大隅良 典・下田親編
シュプリンガー・ジャパン 2007
バイオとナノの融合。新生命科学の基礎』北海道大学 COE研究成果編集委員会編
北海道大学出版会 2007
シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京(株) 1998
Education (2):
- - 1980 Osaka University School of Engineering
- - 1980 Osaka University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1):
Work history (2):
- 2000 - - 遺伝子病制御研究所 分子間情報分野 教授
- 2000 - - Professor
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