J-GLOBAL ID:200901098779827265
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024
Jinnouchi Atsushi
ジンノウチ アツシ | Jinnouchi Atsushi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (3):
Education - general
, Art history
, Aesthetics and art studies
Research keywords (4):
, 芸術学
, Child Education
, Art
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2022 - 2026 Aspects and Meanings of Collaboration of Texts and Illustrations of the Nineteenth-century Ballad Collections
MISC (9):
A study on the practice of Children's Cultural Property -Activity report of "Picture Book Live" and "Bunka Month"-. 2020. 32
A detailed record 12 years of the Post-Graduate Childcare Course and S.L.O. 2020. 32
A study on the practice of painting and reading - “Kamishibai” activity report -. 2019. 31
A study on the practice of painting and reading -“Bunka-Month” activity report-. 2018. 30
Childcare and Family Support Using Art Activity IV ~A detailed record 3 years of NOBI-NOBI workshops~. 2018. 30
Works (9):
Art group JIBA exhibition (Saga Prefectural Art Museum), etc.
1995 - 現在
A one-man show(Gallery Petit Form Osaka)
2013 - 2020
A one-man show(Shirukuro -Gallery-Saga)
2012 - 2018
Group・A・I・S(Abstract In Saga)(Saga Art museum)
1993 - 2012
Nagasaki Modern Artist Exhibition(Nagasaki museum. Sasebo-Shimanose museum)
1997 -
Education (4):
- - 1989 University of Tsukuba Master's Program in Art and Design
- - 1989 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Art
- - 1984 Saga University
- - 1984 Saga University Faculty of Education
Professional career (1):
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