J-GLOBAL ID:200901099234905931
Update date: Oct. 01, 2022
Tomida Yukimitsu
トミダ ユキミツ | Tomida Yukimitsu
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (2):
Biodiversity and systematics
, Biogeoscience
Research keywords (6):
, 古生物地理学
, 系統・分類
, Vertebrate Paleontology
, Paleobiogeography
, Systematics and classification
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 1995 - 2006 白亜紀哺乳類及び恐竜の系統進化学的研究
- 2001 - 中国と北米の化石記録を中心としたアマミノクロウサギ系列の進化学的研究
- 2001 - Phylogenetic Systematics of the Pliopentalagus-Pentalagus Lineage Based Main by on Chinese Material
- 1995 - Phylogenetic systematics of the Cretaceous mammals and dinosaurs from Gobi Desert
- 1991 - 中新世小型哺乳類化石の系統進化学的研究
- 1991 - Phylogenetic systematics of Miocene rodents
- 1984 - 日本産古第三紀大型哺乳類の系統進化学的研究
- 1984 - Phylogenetic systematics of Paleogene large mammals from Japan
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MISC (119):
H. Saegusa, Y. Tomida. Titanosauriform teeth from the Cretaceous of Japan. In A. W. Kellner and Y. Tomida (eds.), Proceedings of the Third Gondwanan Dinosaur Symposium, Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias. 2011. 83. (1). 247-265.
K. Miyata, Y. Tomida, K. C. Beard, G. F. Gunnell, H. Ugai, K. Hirose. Eocene mammals from the Akasaki and Nakakoshiki formations, western Kyushu, Japan: preliminary work and correlation with Asian Land Mammal Ages. Vertebrata PalAsiatica. 2011. 49. (1). 53-68.
A. J. Winkler, Y. Tomida. Chapter 3. The lower third premolar of Serengetilagus praecapensis (Mammalia: Lagomorpha: Leporidae) from Laetoli, Tanzania. In T. Harrison (ed.). Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli, Tanzania: Human Evolution in Context. Volume 2: Fossil Hominins and the Associated Fauna. Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Series, Springer Press. 2011. p. 55-66.
Jin ChangZhu, Yukimitsu Tomida, Wang Yuan, Zhang YingQi. First discovery of fossil Nesolagus (Leporidae, Lagomorpha) from Southeast Asia. SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES. 2010. 53. 8. 1134-1140
K. Miyata, Y. Tomida. Anchitherium (Mammalia, Perissodactyla, Equidae) from the Early Miocene Hiramaki Formation, Gifu Prefecture, Japan, and its implication for the early diversification of Asian Anchitherium. Jour. Paleont. 2010. 84. 4. 763-773
Books (56):
丸善 2011
化石標本が語るアマミノクロウサギの祖先.In 松浦啓一(編),標本の世界.
東海大学出版会 2010
日本古生物学会(編) 2010
PHP 2009
小学館 2009
Lectures and oral presentations (33):
Early Miocene castorids from Japan: endemisms and biogeographic implications. International Colloquium on the Late Cenozoic mammals: fossil record and biostratigraphy, May 16-18, 2011, Praha. [T. Mörs & Y. Tomida]
(International Colloquium on the Late Cenozoic mammals: fossil record and biostratigraphy, May 16-18, 2011 2011)
New species of Alloptox (Ochotonidae; Lagomorpha), first record of the genus from Japan, and subgeneric distinction. 70th Anniversary Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology in Pittsburgh, Program and abstrcts, p. 175A-176A. [Tomida, Y.]
(70th Anniversary Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology in Pittsburgh 2010)
First discovery of Eocene primates from Japan: the earliest record of Sivaladapidae. 70th Anniversary Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology in Pittsburgh, Program and abstrcts, p. 136A [K. Miyata, K. C. Beard, G. Gunnell, Y. Tomida]
(70th Anniversary Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology in Pittsburgh 2010)
熊本県天草市御所浦の赤崎層産コリフォドン科(汎歯目,哺乳類)化石の歯牙形態について.日本古生物学会創立75周年記念行事および2010年年会講演予稿集,p. 8. [宮田和周,冨田幸光,鵜飼宏明,廣瀬浩司,菊池直樹]
(日本古生物学会創立75周年記念行事および2010年年会 2010)
島根県松江市三保関町の古浦層(下部中新統)から産出したビーバー科頬歯.日本古生物学会第159回例会予稿集,p. 50. [西岡佑一郎、平山廉、河野重範、冨田幸光、甲能直樹、高井正成]
(日本古生物学会第159回例会 2010)
Works (26):
2000 - 2003
Study on "Machikane Crocodile" Fossil
2000 - 2003
1999 - 2002
Morphological Study of Apatosaurus Skeleton Mounted of the National Science Museum
1999 - 2002
2001 -
Education (4):
- - 1985 アリゾナ大学大学院 地質科学 古生物学
- - 1985 (University of Arizona)USA Dept. of Geosciences Paleontology
- - 1973 Yokohama National University College of Education
- - 1973 Yokohama National University Faculty of Education
Professional career (2):
- Dr. of Philosophy (University of Arizona (USA))
- Master of Science (MS) (University of Arizona (USA))
Work history (6):
- 1992 - 1994 National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo
- 1992 - 1994 National Science Museum, Senior Curator
- 1994 - - 国立科学博物館,室長
- 1994 - - National Science Museum, Chief Curator
- 1981 - 1992 National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo
- 1981 - 1992 National Science Museum, Curator
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Committee career (2):
- 1992 - 1998 古脊椎動物学会(Society of Vertebrate Paleontology) 会員係幹事
- 1991 - 1998 日本古生物学会 編集委員,評議員,常務委員
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本哺乳類学会
, 日本古生物学会
, 古脊椎動物学会(Society of Vertebrate Paleontology)
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