J-GLOBAL ID:201001003182264600
Update date: Aug. 25, 2022
Akutagawa Kadunori
アクタガワ カヅノリ | Akutagawa Kadunori
Affiliation and department:
Fukushima National College of Technology Communication and Information Science
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Detailed information
Research field (1):
Theoretical economics
Research keywords (2):
, 都市・経済学
Papers (5):
芥川 一則. 産官学連携の「学」の役割にする一考察-地域公共交通確保維持改善事業を事例に-. 観光まちづくり学会誌. 2012. 9. 23-28
芥川 一則. 宿泊施設の稼働率と費用に関する一考察. 観光まちづくり学会誌. 2011. 8. 34-39
芥川 一則. 市町村合併と人口集積に関する一考察. 観光まちづくり学会誌. 2011. 8. 28-33
AKUTAGAWA Kazunori, MORIKAWA Osamu, MATSUMOTO Masamichi, TABUCHI Yoshihide. Engineering Education in Marketing. Journal of Jsee. 2010. 58. 1. 109-113
K Akutagawa, S Mun. Private goods provided by local governments. REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS. 2005. 35. 1. 23-48
Professional career (1):
Ph.D (Tohoku University)
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