J-GLOBAL ID:201001022115998768
Update date: Sep. 19, 2024
SUZUKI Norikazu
スズキ ノリカズ | SUZUKI Norikazu
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (5):
Solid earth science
, Semiconductors, optical and atomic physics
, Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
, Astronomy
, Mathematical physics and basic theory
Research keywords (20):
, 高エネルギー核子-核子散乱
, thermo-field-dynamics
, Vacuum Structure
, 非加法的統計力学
, カタストロフ複雑系現象
, Internet
, Random matrix
, Nonlinear time series analysis
, Earthquake
, 自己組織化臨界現象
, Complex network
, 量子力学の相空間表現
, 量子熱力学
, 太陽活動(太陽黒点、太陽フレア)・ブラックホールからのX線データの複雑性
, Quantum Optics
, 複雑系科学からみた太陽活動と地震活動との類似性
, 複雑系科学
, DNA配列の長距離相互作用
, Statistical Physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Papers (48):
Brain activity vs. seismicity: Scaling and memory. AIP Conference Proceedings (the American Institute of Physics Publishing). 2023. CP2872. 1. 120047-1-120047-7
Sumiyoshi Abe, Norikazu Suzuki, Dmitrii A. Tayurskii. Aftershocks and Fluctuating Diffusivity. Entropy. 2023. 25. 7. 989-989
Sumiyoshi Abe, Norikazu Suzuki. Scaling and memory in seismological phenomena. Acta Geophysica. 2023. 71. 2081-2087
Sumiyoshi Abe, Norikazu Suzuki. Subdiffusion of volcanic earthquakes. ACTA GEOPHYSICA. 2017. 65. 3. 481-489
Sumiyoshi Abe, Norikazu Suzuki. Anomalous diffusion of volcanic earthquakes. EPL. 2015. 110. 5. 59001-p1-59001-p5
MISC (1):
Sumiyoshi Abe, Norikazu Suzuki. Subdiffusion of volcanic earthquakes (vol 65, pg 481, 2017). ACTA GEOPHYSICA. 2017. 65. 3. 491-492
Books (1):
Complexity and Nonextensivity: New Trends in Statistical Mechanics
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics 2006
Lectures and oral presentations (64):
Brain activity vs. seismicity: Scaling and memory
(11th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences,September 5-8, 2022 2022)
The concepts of complex network advance understanding of earthquake science II
(37th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, ESC2021, 19-24 September 2021 2021)
Non-Markovianity and subdiffusion of volcanic seismicity
(XXXIX Dynamics Days Europe 2019, 2-6 September, University of Rostock, Germany 2019)
Universal law for waiting internal time in seismicity and its implication to earthquake network
(Statistical Physics of Complex Systems, 7-11 May 2019, Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden 2019)
Universal law for waiting internal time in seismicity and its implication to complex network of earthquakes
(IAMG2018 19th Annual Conference 2-8 September, Olomouc, Czech Republic 2018)
Education (2):
- - 1992 Nihon University Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering 物理学
- - 1987 Nihon University Faculty of Science and Engineering 物理学科
Work history (7):
- 2011/04 - 現在 日本大学理工学部教授
- 2007/04 - 2011/03 日本大学理工学部准教授
- 2004/04 - 2007/03 日本大学理工学部助教授
- 1998/04 - 2004/03 日本大学理工学部専任講師
- 1992/04 - 1998/03 日本大学理工学部助手
- 1991/04 - 1991/09 Max-Planck Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany 留学(Max-Planck 協会 奨学生)Host Professor : H.A.Weidenmueller
- 1990/04 - 1991/03 Max-Planck Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany 留学(日本大学大学院海外派遣奨学生) Host Professor : J. Huefner
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Committee career (1):
- 2021/08 - 現在 Springer Nature Associate Editor of Acta Geophysica
Awards (2):
- 2023/08 - Featured papers: "Scaling and memory in seismological phenomena", Acta Geophys. 71, 2081-2087 (2023), Springer Nature
- 2015 - IOP Institute of Physics Highlights of 2015 in EPL (Europhysics Letters) Anomalous diffusion of volcanic earthquakes EPL 110(5) 59001-p1-p5
Association Membership(s) (1):
Physical Society of Japan
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