Research keywords (2):
, Geochemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
2024 - 2029 Can seamount subduction weaken locking of megathrust earthquake? Test at 2 seamounts in Nankai Trough
2024 - 2029 Geosphere-hydrosphere-biosphere connected by submarine mud volcanism: Diffusion processes of deep life and carbon, and their effects on the ocean
2023 - 2027 東シナ海大陸斜面域におけるメタンの供給源は,熱水か?
2019 - 2027 Adaptive Governance of Multiple Resources based on Land-Sea Linkages of the Water Cycle: Application to Coral Reef Island Systems
2023 - 2026 Fluid flow in the uppermost part of the incoming plate seaward of the trench: Regional variations and influence on processes around the plate interface
2020 - 2023 Construction of a model for the diffusion and circulation of deep subsurface life and carbon to the ocean via submarine mud volcanism
2018 - 2022 Fluid flow and heat transport processes associated with deformation of the incoming plate near trenches and their influence on subduction zones
2013 - 2018 In situ boron isotopic analysis of subduction-related volcanic rocks and quantitative evaluation of subduction component
2015 - 2018 Effective synthesis of methanol using high-CO2 and PT conditions at deep-sea hydrothermal systems
2008 - 2013 Interactions between microbial processes and physical-chemical environments associated with subseafloor advection of hydrothermal fluids
2009 - 2010 堆積物に埋積した黒鉱様海底熱水鉱床の探査技術の開発
Show all
Papers (76):
Tomohiro Toki, Koma Yasumura, Naoto Takahata, Yusuke Miyajima, Haruya Miyaki, Kiyokazu Oohashi, Makoto Otsubo. Origin of helium in basement rocks and carbonate veins in Yonaguni Island. Geochemical Journal. 2024. 58. 6. 293-303
Yuki Mitsutome, Ko Agena, Tomohiro Toki, Ke-Han Song, Ryuichi Shinjo, Akira Ijiri. Assessing the activity of mud volcanism using boron isotope ratios in pore water from surface sediments of mud volcanoes off Tanegashima (SW Japan). Frontiers in Marine Science. 2023. 10
Ijiri, A, Setoguchi, R, Mitsutome, Y, Toki, T, Murayama, M, Hagino, K, Hamada, Y, Yamagata, T, Matsuzaki, H, Tanikawa, W, et al. Origins of sediments and fluids in submarine mud volcanoes off Tanegashima Island, northern Ryukyu Trench, Japan. Frontiers in Earth Science. 2023. 11
Yuki Mitsutome, Tomohiro Toki, Takanori Kagoshima, Yuji Sano, Yama Tomonaga, Akira Ijiri. Estimation of the depth of origin of fluids using noble gases in the surface sediments of submarine mud volcanoes off Tanegashima Island. Scientific reports. 2023. 13. 1. 5051-5051
Miho Asada, Mikiya Yamashita, Rina Fukuchi, Toshiyuki Yokota, Tomohiro Toki, Akira Ijiri, Kiichiro Kawamura. Identification of a large mud volcano field in the Hyuga-nada, northern end of the Ryukyu trench, offshore Japan. Frontiers in Earth Science. 2023. 11
Tomohiro Toki, Ryuichi Shinjo, Noriyuki Shingaki, Yu Hara, Yuki Mitsutome, Koma Yasumura, Shogo Oushima, Harue Masuda, Akira Ijiri, Shinji Nakaya. Origin of the fluid in Taketomi submarine hot spring and estimated temperature of the reservoir. 日本地球化学会年会要旨集(Web). 2021. 68th
森下知晃, 森下知晃, 森下知晃, 藤江剛, 小野重明, 山野誠, 氏家恒太郎, 山口飛鳥, 井尻暁, 土岐知弘, et al. CHIKYU IODP Full proposal for Bend-Fault Hydrology in the Old Incoming Plate (H-ODIN): Scientific objectives and drilling strategy. 日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web). 2020. 2020
Nature in the Ryukyu Archipelago
Change and Coral Reef/Island Dynamics Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus 2015 ISBN:9784990860707
Coseimic massive methane release from a submarine mud volcano
Geochemical origin of hydrothermal fluid methane in sediment-associated fields and its relevance to the geographical distribution of whole hydrothermal circulation
Discharging mechanism of springs around the fault in the southeastern coast of Yonaguni Island
Discharging flux of deep-sourced fluid from submarine mud volcanoes off Tanegashima
(JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020 2020)
Preliminary report of the survey on the activities of submarine mud volcanoes, off Tanegashima Island
(126th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan 2019)
Preliminary report of continuous-monitoring at Taketomi submarine hot spring
Geochemical study of high-T hydrothermal fluid and chimney obtained from Tarama hydrothermal vent field in southern Okinawa Trough
- 2004 Hokkaido University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- 2001 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- 1999 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry
Professional career (1):
Doctor of Science (Hokkaido University)
Work history (4):
2015/05/01 - 現在 University of the Ryukyus, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Biology, and Marine Science, Chemistry Program, Associate Professor
2007/04/01 - 2015/04/30 University of the Ryukyus, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Biology, and Marine Science, Chemistry Program, Research Associate
2007/04/01 - - , 琉球大学 理学部 海洋自然科学科 化学系 助教
2007/04/01 - - , University of the Ryukyus, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Biology, and Marine Science, Chemistry Program, Research Associate
Awards (1):
2008/03/14 - 海洋研究開発機構 第24回しんかいシンポジウムポスター発表賞
Association Membership(s) (4):
The Soceity of Sea Water Science, Japan
, American Geophysical Union
, The Geological Society of Japan
, The Geochemical Society of Japan