Dolan, Daniel. "Plagiarism Avoidance Education and Policy Recommendations for Graduate Schools of Accounting in Japan". The Keizai Gaku, Annual Report of the Economic Society, Tohoku University. 2009. 70. 3. 143-162
Akita, Jiro, Dolan, Daniel. "On Tense Usage in Academic Writing in Economics". Tohoku Economics Research Group, Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University. 2009
Dolan, Daniel, Akita, Jiro. "Writing Centers for Improving English Academic Writing Skills of Japanese Economics Students: Advantages and Challenges". Tohoku Economics Research Group, Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University. 2009
Dolan, Daniel. "Cultural Noise: Amplified Sound, Freedom of Expression and Privacy Rights in Japan". International Journal of Communication. 2008. 2. 662-690
Dolan, Daniel. "Plagiarism Avoidance Education and Policy Recommendations for Graduate Schools of Accounting in Japan". The Keizai Gaku, Annual Report of the Economic Society, Tohoku University. 2009. 70. 3. 143-162
Dolan, Daniel. "Plagiarism Avoidance Education and Policy Recommendations for Graduate Schools of Accounting in Japan". The Keizai Gaku, Annual Report of the Economic Society, Tohoku University. 2009. 70. 3. 143-162
Dolan, Daniel. "Plagiarism Avoidance Education and Policy Recommendations for Graduate Schools of Accounting in Japan". The Keizai Gaku, Annual Report of the Economic Society, Tohoku University. 2009. 70. 3. 143-162
“Fun Business English for Accounting Professionals”. In English with Japanese explanations. 135 pages.
Dobunkan Publishing 2014 ISBN:9784495199715
"Power Presentation: Great Presentations for Busy Professionals in 5 Days"
Daniel Dolan (Ebook) 2014
"Practical Business English in Sixty-eight Scenes"
Toyo Keizai Publishing (東洋経済新報社) 2013 ISBN:4492602194
"Accounting English: Communication for Professional Accountants". (in English with Japanese summaries). 260 pages. Revision of 2006 book of the same title.
Dobunkan Publishing 2010 ISBN:9784495186227
"English for Finance Professionals: English Vocabulary for Finance and Accounting Professionals Explained". (in English with Japanese explanations). 424 pages.
Nikkei Business Publishing 2008 ISBN:9784822246624