Research field (4):
Pharmaceuticals - chemistry and drug development
, Synthetic organic chemistry
, Bioorganic chemistry
, Structural/physical organic chemistry
Research keywords (3):
, 天然物化学
, 有機合成化学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2020 - 2023 カルベノイド挿入反応を利用した含硫黄、窒素、酸素多環式化合物の合成法開発
2019 - 2022 Chemical elucidation and its application of acute encephalopathy caused by the mushroom Pleurocybella porrigens
2017 - 2020 Efficient synthesis of biologically active natural product by means of Ugi reaction
2012 - 2015 Synthetic study of catechin probes for development of highly sensitive quantitative analysis
2011 - 2014 Synthetic study on biological active natural products by means of Ugi reaction
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Papers (92):
Makoto Inai, Hiroto Sagara, Yoshinori Ueno, Hitoshi Ouchi, Fumihiko Yoshimura, Tomohiro Asakawa, Yoshitaka Hamashima, Toshiyuki Kan. Total Synthesis of (+)-Silybin A. Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin. 2024. 72. 6. 570-573
Shigeru Nishizawa, Hitoshi Ouchi, Hiroto Suzuki, Takuma Ohnishi, Shingo Sasaki, Yu Oyagi, Masaki Kanakogi, Yoshitaka Matsumura, Shunsuke Nakagawa, Tomohiro Asakawa, et al. Total synthesis of (-)-domoic acid, a potent ionotropic glutamate receptor agonist and the key compound in oceanic harmful algal blooms. Organic & biomolecular chemistry. 2023. 21. 8. 1653-1656
Tomohiro Asakawa, Makoto Inai, Toshiyuki Kan. Synthesis of Epigallocatechin Gallate, Nobiletin, and Their Derivatives for Chemical-Biological Studies. Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research. 2023. 51-65
Akinobu Ito, Jae-Hoon Choi, Waki Yokoyama-Maruyama, Mihaya Kotajima, Jing Wu, Tomohiro Suzuki, Yurika Terashima, Hyogo Suzuki, Hirofumi Hirai, David C Nelson, et al. 1,2,3-Triazine formation mechanism of the fairy chemical 2-azahypoxanthine in the fairy ring-forming fungus Lepista sordida. Organic & biomolecular chemistry. 2022
Akinobu Ito, Jae-Hoon Choi, Hirohide Takemura, Mihaya Kotajima, Jing Wu, Shinji Tokuyama, Hirofumi Hirai, Tomohiro Asakawa, Hitoshi Ouchi, Makoto Inai, et al. Biosynthesis of the Fairy Chemicals, 2-Azahypoxanthine and Imidazole-4-carboxamide, in the Fairy Ring-Forming Fungus Lepista sordida. Journal of Natural Products. 2020. 83. 8. 2469-2476
渡部央, 田中慎, 三枝将汰, 栗山大希, 福田優亮, 大内仁志, 稲井誠, 浅川倫宏, 吉村文彦, 菅敏幸. Synthetic Study on Pyrrolizilactone. 日本薬学会年会要旨集(Web). 2022. 142nd
西澤慈, 大西琢磨, 大八木悠, 鈴木寛人, 大内仁志, 稲井誠, 浅川倫宏, 吉村文彦, 菅敏幸. Synthtic study on Domoic acid. 日本薬学会年会要旨集(Web). 2022. 142nd
古田島美颯, CHOI Jae-Hoon, CHOI Jae-Hoon, CHOI Jae-Hoon, 道羅英夫, XIE Xiaonan, 大内仁志, 鈴木智大, 大西利幸, 大西利幸, et al. Search for specific methyltransferases for metabolites of one of fairy chemicals ICA in rice. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2022. 2022
古田島美颯, CHOI Jae-Hoon, CHOI Jae-Hoon, WU Jing, XIE Xiaonan, 木村洋子, 道羅英夫, 大西利幸, 大西利幸, 平井浩文, et al. Study on the significance of existence of ICA metabolite, S-ICAr-H. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2021. 2021
鈴木兵梧, 伊藤彰将, 伊藤彰将, 古田島美颯, CHOI Jae-Hoon, CHOI Jae-Hoon, CHOI Jae-Hoon, 鈴木智大, 平井浩文, 平井浩文, et al. Studies on the formation machinery of a unique triazine moiety specific to 2-azahypoxanthine in Lepista sordida. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2021. 2021