Slow Synaptic Responses and Modulation (K.Kuba, H.Higashida, D.A.Brown, T.Yoshioka, eds)(分担執筆:Slow intrinsic optical signals in rat spinal cord slices and their modulation by low-frequency stimulation)
Springer, Tokyo, Japan 1999
Slow Synaptic Responses and Modulation (K.Kuba, H.Higashida, D.A.Brown, T.Yoshioka, eds)(Part:Contributor, Slow intrinsic optical signals in rat spinal cord slices and their modulation by low-frequency stimulation)
Springer, Tokyo, Japan 1999
Lectures and oral presentations (65):
Functional asymmetry of interlaminar connections in the superior colliculus revealed by optical imaging
(第37回日本神経科学大会 2014)
The contribution of astrocytes in the anterior cingulate cortex to the negative emotion and hyperalgesia under neuropathic pain
(第37回日本神経科学大会 2014)
Sound evoked activity of cells in the superficial layer of the mouse inferior collicular cortex: an in vivo calcium imaging study
(neuro2013 2013)
Contribution of zinc to the pain-induced ERK phosphorylation and neuronal plasticity in the spinal dorsal horn
(Neuro2013 2013)
Involvement of Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase and NMDA receptor in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex in the affective component and hypersensitivity of pain
(Neuro2013 2013)