Research keywords (8):
the Public Opinion
, the rellationship of Japan and China
, the reformmovement of 1898
, the Syncretic Millenarian Doctorine
, the popular culuture
, the Hunan Province
, the Jentry
, the 1911 revolution
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
A Study of Local elite in Modern China
Papers (38):
FUJIYA Koetsu. Mizuno Baigyo and the Reform Movement of the Japanese Modern Buddhism. Bulletin of Tokyo Jogakkan College. 2016. 13. 125-168
FUJIYA Koetsu. The Progress of the alliance with Japan and China in the Chinese REform Movement of 1898: Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai. Bulletin of Tokyo Jogakkan College. 2015. 12. 89-135
FUJIYA Koetsu. The Chinese Reform Movement and the policy of an alliance with Japan after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894 in Hubei and Zhejiang Province. Bulletin of Tokyo Jogakkan College. 2014. 11. 93-135
FUJIYA Koetsu. The Journey in the Hunan Province of Hirayama Shu and Bi yong-nian: The background of "Gui-mou Zhi-ji". The Bulletin of Tokyo Jogakkan College. 2013. 10. 85-131
FUJIYA koetsu. The Power's Economical Invation and the resistance of Hunan Society in Late IMperial China. Bulletin of Tokyo Jogakkan College. 2012. 9. 61-112
Book Review"Sato Yoshifumi, Consciousness of Native Place in Modern China". 2014. 925. 50-53
FUJIYA koetsu. Book Review "the NIhon sonbun kenkyukai eds. "The 1911 Chinese Revolution in the global history" by the NIhon sonbun kenkyukai. Chugoku-kenkyu geppo. 2013. 787. 43-46
HUJIYA koetsu. Book Review"Horichi Akira, A Study on food riots in Ming-Qing China". Shigaku Zasshi. 2012. 121. 11. 103-110
FUJIYA koetsui. Book Review"Kawashima Shin,The groping for a modern statein China: 1894-1925". Rekishi hyoron. 2011. 739. 99-103
FUJIYA koetsu. Book Review"The Revolution of Modern China and secret society". Rekishi-hyoron. 2009. 712. 104-108