J-GLOBAL ID:201101035762638457
Update date: Sep. 29, 2024
Nishii Kazuaki
ニシイ カズアキ | Nishii Kazuaki
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Atmospheric and hydrospheric science
Research keywords (3):
, 新学術"hot spot"
, A03-8班
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
- 2024 - 2029 Ever-increasing atmospheric and marine heat waves and unceasing cold spells
- 2019 - 2024 Extratropical air-sea interaction that can potentially influence atmospheric anomalies and their predictability
- 2020 - 2023 Climatic influences of long-lived marine heat wave in the subarctic North Pacific
- 2019 - 2023 積雪が稀な地域での大雪発生状況の把握と現在及び将来の大雪発生ポテンシャルの評価
- 2019 - 2022 北極海氷の減少が如何にして東アジアの異常寒波を形成・増幅させるのか?
- 2017 - 2021 革新的洋上ゾンデ観測の提案~水平スキャニングが掴む黒潮前線の対流圏大気への影響
- 2013 - 2017 Influence and its seasonality of the extratropical thermal structure on the formation and variability of atmospheric circulation and associated precipitation bands
- 2013 - 2017 Study on extreme events of polar stratospheric temperature change and their long term variability
- 2010 - 2015 Vertically-Coupled Variability in the Atmosphere, Ocean and Cryosphere Associated with the Asian Monsoon
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Papers (29):
Chongue Luis Adriano, Nishii Kazuaki. The Mozambique Channel trough variability and its influence on regional precipitation variability in Mozambique in austral summer. SOLA. 2024. advpub
Luis Adriano Chongue, Kazuaki Nishii. The influence of tropical and subtropical modes of climate variability on precipitation in Mozambique. International Journal of Climatology. 2024
Ayumu Miyamoto, Hisashi Nakamura, Takafumi Miyasaka, Yu Kosaka, Bunmei Taguchi, Kazuaki Nishii. Maintenance Mechanisms of the Wintertime Subtropical High over the South Indian Ocean. JOURNAL OF CLIMATE. 2022. 35. 10. 2989-3005
Nishii Kazuaki, Taguchi Bunmei, Mori Masato, Kosaka Yu, Nakamura Hisashi. Arctic Sea Ice Loss and Eurasian Cooling in Winter 2020-21. SOLA. 2022. 18. 199-204
Kazuaki NISHII, Bunmei TAGUCHI, Hisashi NAKAMURA. An Atmospheric General Circulation Model Assessment of Oceanic Impacts on Extreme Climatic Events over Japan in July 2018. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II. 2020. 98. 4. 801-820
MISC (104):
中村 尚, 関澤 偲温, 宮坂 貴文, 万田 敦昌, 飯塚 聡, 西井 和晃, 田口 文明. 平成30年7月豪雨とその後の記録的猛暑への海洋からの影響-2018年夏の異常気象 : 記録的な広域豪雨と猛暑. 気象研究ノート. 2022. 246. 47-59
Kawase Hiroaki, Tsuchiya Tomoki, Nozawa Toru, Nishii Kazuaki, Ueno Kenichi, Fukui Shin, Nosaka Masaya, Otomo Keishi. Investigations of heavy snowfall over the rare-snowfall regions in Japan using Kunai observations and numerical simulations. Summaries of JSSI and JSSE Joint Conference on Snow and Ice Research. 2022. 2022. 36-36
中村 尚, 行本 誠史, 小寺 邦彦, 水田 亮, 青木 茂, 小川 史明, 西井 和晃, 宮坂 貴文, 吉田 聡, 宮本 歩, et al. 大気海洋雪氷系における大洋・半球スケールの鉛直結合変動-気候系のHotspot : 中緯度大気海洋相互作用研究の新展開. 気象研究ノート. 2021. 244. 245-277
早坂 忠裕, 片桐 秀一郎, 丸山 拓海, 神代 剛, 佐藤 大卓, 西井 和晃, 中村 尚, 小川 晨一, 宮本 歩, 宮坂 貴文, et al. 夏季北太平洋の雲と海洋-気候系のHotspot : 中緯度大気海洋相互作用研究の新展開. 気象研究ノート. 2021. 244. 163-191
高谷 康太郎, 西井 和晃, 中村 尚, 升永 竜介, 谷本 陽一, 佐藤 友徳, 小池 真, 浅野 匠彦. 冬季モンスーンと大気海洋相互作用-気候系のHotspot : 中緯度大気海洋相互作用研究の新展開. 気象研究ノート. 2021. 244. 325-339
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (2):
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