J-GLOBAL ID:201101039848586170
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024
Arai Yosuke
Arai Yosuke
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
Social psychology
, Social psychology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2007 - 2009 research on process of succeeding to skill in NPO
MISC (11):
水田恵三, 新井洋輔, 西道実. 阪神・淡路大震災後の避難所におけるトラブルの時系列的変化. 筑波大学心理学研究. 2008. 35. 17-26
Yutaka SHIMIZU, Minoru SAIDO, Hiromoto HORI, Yutaka MATSUI, Tadahiro MOTOYOSHI, Ippei TAKENAKA, Yosuke ARAI, Masashi TANAKA, Keizo MIZUTA, Yoshiharu FUKUOKA. Comparison of disaster prevention measures taken at home by residents of Tokyo and Kobe. 2007. 10. 13-21
The structure of behavior toward a senpai (higher status person) : Specifying the senpai as target. Tsukuba psychological research. 2006. 32. 11-19
SAIDO Minoru, Shimizu yutaka, Tanaka Masashi, Motoyoshi Tadahiro, Fukuoka Yoshiharu, Arai Yosuke, Matsui Yutaka, Hori Hiromoto, Mizuta Keizo. Coordination between the Public School Disaster Prevention System and Autonomous Disaster Prevention Organizations : Case Studies of Elementary / Junior High Schools in Kobe. Journal of Poole Gakuin University. 2005. 45. 85-96
MOTOYOSHI Tadahiro, MATSUI Yutaka, TAKENAKA Ippei, ARAI Yosuke, MIZUTA Keizo, SAIDO Minoru, SHIMIZU Yutaka, TANAKA Masashi, FUKUOKA Yoshiharu, HORI Hiromoto. An Experimental Study on the Educational Effectiveness of Simulation Training of Earthquake Shelter Program. Journal of Social Safety Science. 2005. 7. 7. 425-432
Professional career (1):
Work history (4):
- 2009 - 現在 Tokyo University of Social Welfare School of Psychology
- 2008 - Tokyo University of Social Welfare School of Social Welfare
- 2006 - 2007 筑波大学 大学院・人間総合科学研究科 準研究員
- 2005 - 筑波大学 大学院・人間総合科学研究科 博士特別研究員
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