Rumiko Akashi. Effects of Mothers' Employment on Their Children: Research Findings in Japan. The Meiji Gakuin Sociology and Social Welfare Review. 2019. 153. 1-13
Work-life Balance of Working Mothers: Towards Society Where Women's Well-being is Maintained - Learning from the Netherlands' Way. The Meiji Gakuin Sociology and Social Welfare Review. 2018. 150. 21-46
Social work field practicum in the U.S.: Health outreach activities for older community residents (comprehensive training on counseling, research, and program development) and supervision. The Meiji Gakuin Sociology and Social Welfare Review. 2015. 145. 145. 61-82
Considering the Well-being of Foreigners and People with Foreign Roots from the Life Issues of the Rohingya Living in Japan. The Meiji Gakuin Sociology and Social Welfare Review 163. 2024
Maternal Work and Attachment: Reviewing Women's Labor Policies from the Viewpoint of Raising Children. The Meiji Gakuin sociology and social welfare review. 2023. 160. 93-105
What work means to women: Based on the study in the Netherland
(Girls Talk: Inter-generational coaching on work-life balance 2017)
Happiness in Old Age: A Study of Psychological Welll-being Living in the Community
(Gerontological Society of America 65th Annual Scientific Meeting 2012)
Factors Associated with Depressive Symptoms Among the Soon-to-be-old, the Young-Old, and the Old-old
(Gerontological Society of America 65th Annual Scientific Meeting 2012)
"Summary of the Results of Focus Group Interviews," Research on Social Work Assistance to the Victims of Tohoku Earthquake including the Old and the Disabled
2012 -
Education (4):
2002 - 2011 Columbia University School of Social Work Graduate School, Division of Social Welfare
2002 - 2007 Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Philosophy
1999 - 2001 Columbia University School of Social Work School of Social Work
1985 - 1987 Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Politics
Professional career (4):
政治学修士 (早稲田大学)
Master of Science (コロンビア大学大学院スクール・オブ・ソーシャルワーク)
Master of Philosophy (Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences)
Ph.D. (Columbia University School of Social Work)
Work history (2):
2015/04 - 現在 Meijigakuin University Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Department of Social Work. Professor
2008/04 - 2015/03 Meijigakuin University Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Department of Social Work. Associate Professor