Research theme for competitive and other funds (42):
2023 - 2029 Searching for new physics with precision quantum measurement of ultracold atoms
2018 - 2028 Development of coldatom based quantum simulators by optical control with precisions on the attosecond temporal and nanometer spatial scales and their applications to quantum computing
2022 - 2025 Large-scale and high-coherence fault-tolerant quantum computer with dynamical atom arrays
2018 - 2023 Exploration of new quantum condensed phase by exploiting orbital and spin degrees of freedom of ultracold atomic gases in an optical lattice
2018 - 2023 極低温原子で紐解く階層横断エキゾチック物性現象
2017 - 2022 Variety and universality of bulk-edge correspondence in topological phases: From solid state physics to transdisciplinary concepts
2016 - 2022 Development of advanced optical lattice quantum simulator by high-level control of cold atoms
2017 - 2020 Diversity and universality of bulk-edge correspondence: cross-disciplinary concept beyond solid state physics
2014 - 2019 Advanced Information Society Infrastructure Linking Quantum Artificial Brains in Quantum Network
2016 - 2018 トポロジカルポンピング現象の冷却原子を用いた新展開
2016 - 2018 量子気体顕微鏡による光格子中原子スピンとフォトンのハイブリッド量子制御
2013 - 2018 New stage of research of novel quantum condensed phase developed by ultimate control and measurement of ytterbium quantum gases in an optical lattice
2014 - 2017 Variety and universality of bulk-edge correspondence in topological phases: From solid state physics to cold atoms
2010 - 2014 Quantum Information Processing Project
2009 - 2014 Quantum control using cold atoms
2008 - 2014 超狭線幅光源を駆使した量子操作・計測技術の開発
2011 - 2013 Test of law of gravity at nano-meter scale by using ultra-high resolution spectroscopy of a Bose condensate
2010 - 2013 Study of quantum degenerate phase using a ultracold ytterbium atomic gas in an optical lattcie
2011 - 2013 Implementation of selective quantum gates in a neutral atom quantum computer
2006 - 2010 光格子中イッテルビウム原子量子気体を用いた量子シミュレーション
2006 - 2010 Physics of Quantum Degenerate Ytterbium Atomic Gases : new stage of diversity
2003 - 2009 原子アンサンブルを用いた量子情報処理の基盤技術開発
- 2008 Study on new method for generation and control of quantum entangled states of light by using atomic spin ensemble of quantum degenerate gas
2005 - 2007 極性分子ボース・アインシュタイン凝縮体の生成とその量子計算機への応用
2003 - 2006 Realization of new quantum degenerate system of rare-earth Yb atoms and its new development
2005 - 2006 原子の永久電気双極子モーメント探策による時間反転対称性の破れの研究
2003 - 2005 光格子凝縮体を用いたボルテックスアレイ量子計算機の実現
2004 - 2005 Experimental study of novel quantum dynamics in a gaseous Bose-Einstein condensate
2001 - 2003 All-optical realization of quantum degeneracy of Yb atoms
1999 - 2002 Laser Cooling and Fundamental Physics
1999 - 2001 Test of time-reversal symmetry using laser-cooled atoms
1999 - 2001 Confinement of gaseous atoms with superfluid helium film and its application to the test of time-reversal symmetry
1995 - 1997 Spectroscopic studies of neutral otoms in and on superfluid helium
1994 - 1995 Time Reversal Invariance Test in Very Slow Neutron Reactions
1994 - 1994 時間反転対称性の破れの検証のための動的核偏極
1992 - 1994 Atoms, Molecules and Ions in Superfluid Helium
1993 - 1993 時間反転対称性の破れの検証のためのレーザー核偏極
1992 - 1993 High Resolution and High Sensitivity Laser Spectroscopy Using Non-Classical Light
1992 - 1993 Parity and Time Reversal Test in Slow Neutron Absorption
1991 - 1991 高分解能原子分光を用いたレ-ザ-周波数の超高安定化
1990 - 1991 Laser Spectroscopy of Alkali-Metal Atoms in Superfluid Helium
Show all
Papers (200):
Shimpei Endo, Evgeny Epelbaum, Pascal Naidon, Yusuke Nishida, Kimiko Sekiguchi, Yoshiro Takahashi. Three-body forces and Efimov physics in nuclei and atoms. The European Physical Journal A. 2025
Yuma Nakamura, Naoya Ozawa, Toshi Kusano, Rei Yokoyama, Kosuke Shibata, Tetsushi Takano, Yosuke Takasu, Yoshiro Takahashi. Development of a High-power Ultraviolet Laser System and Observation of Fast Coherent Rydberg Excitation of Ytterbium. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2025
Yuma Nakamura, Toshi Kusano, Rei Yokoyama, Keito Saito, Koichiro Higashi, Naoya Ozawa, Tetsushi Takano, Yosuke Takasu, Yoshiro Takahashi. Hybrid Atom Tweezer Array of Nuclear Spin and Optical Clock Qubits. Physical Review X. 2024. 14. 4
Ayaki Sunaga, Yuiki Takahashi, Amar Vutha, Yoshiro Takahashi. Measuring the nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment of optically trapped ytterbium atoms in the metastable state. New Journal of Physics. 2024. 26. 2. 023023-1-023023-11
Florian Schäfer, Yuki Haruna, Yoshiro Takahashi. Observation of Feshbach Resonances in an 167Er-6Li Fermi-Fermi Mixture. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2023. 92. 5. 054301-1-054301-4
Cold-atom systems as condensed matter physics emulation
Elsevier 2023 ISBN:9780323914086
株式会社サイエンス社 2023
Quantum Simulation Using Ultracold Ytterbium
"Quantum Simulation Using Ultracold Ytterbium Atoms in an Optical Lattice", ~Principles and Methods of Quantum Information Technologies~
Springer Japan 2015 ISBN:9784431557555
Precision measurement with ultracold ytterbium atoms in an optical lattice for new boson search
(The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics(ICAP2024) 2024)
Quantum simulation and sensing with ultracold ytterbium atoms
(813. WE-Heraeus-Seminar Advances in Quantum Simulation and Sensing with Ultracold Gases 2024)
Quantum Science with Ultracold Ytterbium Atoms
(HQI(Harvard) - FQSP(RIKEN) 1st Workshop " Perspectives of fundamental quantum science" 2024)
High-resolution laser spectroscopy of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice for quantum simulation and quantum sensor for new physics
(26th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes (ICSLS 2024) 2024)