J-GLOBAL ID:201101050547195136
Update date: Apr. 11, 2012
Ezaki Takemi
エザキ タケミ | Ezaki Takemi
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Research field (1):
Energy chemistry
Research keywords (6):
, エネルギー変換プロセスの構図化能力
, 図形科学
, Wind Turbine
, Graphic Design Ability of Kinematic Link Process
, Graphic Science&Design
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2000 - 2012 張架式風力発電装置開発
2000 - 2012 Wire-suspended Wind Turbine
MISC (4):
江崎 丈巳. 風車挙動の図的な解析. ヨーロッパ風力エネルギー会議論文集. 2008
Takemi Ezaki. Geometry -Based Graphical Analysis of Wind Turbine Phenomena. Proc. Of Europian Wind Energy Conference 2008, 2008,4. 2008
Research on Wind Energy Comversion System. Proc. of Wind Power for the-21th Century. 2000. 431-434
Research on Wind Energy Comversion System. Proc. of Wind Power for the-21th Century. 2000. 431-434
Patents (1):
Books (1):
理工図書 1999
Education (2):
- 1967 Fukuoka University Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
- 1967 Fukuoka University Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
Work history (1):
Fukuoka University Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Professor
Association Membership(s) (4):
英国 再生エネルギー協会
, 日本太陽エネルギー学会
, 日本風力エネルギー協会
, Renewable UK(BWEA)
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