Research field (1):
Architectural and city planning
Research keywords (12):
, 保育園
, 住環境
, 遊び場
, 遊び
, 子ども
, housing
, nursery
, living environment
, playground
, play
, children
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2012 - 2018 小学生のイメージマップにみる地域理解に関する研究
2012 - 2018 小学生のイメージマップにみる地域理解に関する研究
2015 - 教員養成課程における学校ボランティアプログラムを通した実践的力量の形成
Papers (16):
Tomoko Awahara, Hiroyuki Inoue. Current Status of Residential Awareness of Wakasa Town Residents -Results of the Wakasa Town Resident Awareness Survey 2021-. Nature and Environment of The Sea of Japan Districts. 2023. 30. 47-61
If the title of your presentation is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized. ,If the title is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized.
(PLAY!2023 IPA 日本支部研究集会 2023)
If the title of your presentation is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized. ,If the title is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized.
(こども環境学会 2023)
Changes In Children's Play Status Before And After Covid-19 -Current Situation In Rural Cities In Japan-
(International Play Association Triennial World Conference 2023)
If the title of your presentation is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized. ,If the title is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized.
(日本建築学会 2022)