J-GLOBAL ID:201101060040057594   Update date: Dec. 06, 2024

Nakachi Yutaka

Nakachi Yutaka
Papers (50):
  • Yutaro Yanagida, Izumi Naka, Yutaka Nakachi, Tempei Ikegame, Kiyoto Kasai, Naoto Kajitani, Minoru Takebayashi, Miki Bundo, Jun Ohashi, Kazuya Iwamoto. Development of a method for the imputation of the multi-allelic serotonin-transporter-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) in the Japanese population. Journal of Human Genetics. 2024. (Online ahead of print)
  • Jianbin Du, Yutaka Nakachi, Yui Murata, Emi Kiyota, Tadafumi Kato, Miki Bundo, Kazuya Iwamoto. Exploration of cell type-specific somatic mutations in schizophrenia and the impact of maternal immune activation on the somatic mutation profile in the brain. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2024. 78. 4. 237-247
  • Hiroko Sugawara, Akitoshi Date, Satoshi Fuke, Yutaka Nakachi, Tadafumi Kato, Minoru Narita, Miki Bundo, Kazuya Iwamoto. Quantification of cytosine modifications in the aged mouse brain. Neuropsychopharmacology Reports. 2023. 44. 1. 250-255
  • Xichen Hu, Tadahito Yasuda, Noriko Yasuda-Yosihara, Atsuko Yonemura, Terumasa Umemoto, Yutaka Nakachi, Kohei Yamashita, Takashi Semba, Kota Arima, Tomoyuki Uchihara, et al. Downregulation of 15-PGDH enhances MASH-HCC development via fatty acid-induced T-cell exhaustion. JHEP Reports. 2023. 5. 12. 100892-100892
  • Yoshifumi Baba, Noriko Yasuda, Miki Bundo, Yutaka Nakachi, Junko Ueda, Takatsugu Ishimoto, Masaaki Iwatsuki, Yuji Miyamoto, Naoya Yoshida, Hiroyuki Oshiumi, et al. LINE-1 hypomethylation, increased retrotransposition and tumor-specific insertion in upper gastrointestinal cancer. Cancer Science. 2023. 115. 1. 247-256
MISC (65):
  • 仲地 ゆたか, 康 純, 岩本 和也, 金沢 徹文. 性別違和当事者サンプルをもちいたDNAメチル化プロファイル解析. GID(性同一性障害)学会雑誌. 2023. 16. 1. 209-211
  • 藤飯 愼也, 奥田 桃子, 赤嶺 圭哉, 今村 悠子, 仲地 ゆたか, 荒木 喜美, 文東 美紀, 岩本 和也. LINE-1レトロトランスポゾン転移による精神疾患リスクと行動の個体差との関連. 日本神経精神薬理学会年会プログラム・抄録集. 2023. 53回. 144-144
  • 柳田悠太朗, 仲地ゆたか, 文東美紀, 岩本和也. Epigenetic studies in psychiatry:lessons from serotonin transporter. 日本生物学的精神医学会誌(Web). 2023. 34. 1
  • 渡邊理紗, 岡本大介, 杜建彬, 文東美紀, 仲地ゆたか, 岩本和也. Development of scMORE, a method to detect L1 transcripts from single cell RNA-seq data. 日本生物学的精神医学会(Web). 2023. 45th
  • 藤井綾香, 仲地ゆたか, 日野瑞城, 宍戸理紗, 長岡敦子, 清田恵美, 今村悠子, 國井泰人, 文東美紀, 岩本和也. Preliminary analysis of comprehensive DNA methylation status in frontal cortex samples from Japanese patients with psychiatric disorders. 日本生物学的精神医学会(Web). 2023. 45th
Books (4):
  • バイオDBとウェブツール : ラボで使える最新70選 : 知る・学ぶ・使う、バイオDX時代の羅針盤 第3章 ゲノム・遺伝子・NGSデータを調べる 3.Ensembl Genome Browser - 膨大な情報が織りなす最新の「アンサンブル」を一覧できるゲノムブラウザ
    羊土社 2022 ISBN:9784758104067
  • Encyclopedia of genetics : origin of inheritance and diversity
    2022 ISBN:9784621306604
  • 今日から使える! データベース・ウェブツール 達人になるための実践ガイド100 (第II部第2章-22.Primer3 幅広いニーズに対応するPCRプライマー設計の定番ツール, 第II部第9章-9.BioMart 遺伝子に関するさまざまな情報を自在に取得・加工できる多機能ツール)
    Yodosha 2014 ISBN:4758103437
  • Bioinformatics 2nd ed.
    Medical Science International 2005 ISBN:4895924262
Lectures and oral presentations  (50):
  • MORE-RNAseq: Development of the quantifying method of retrotransposition-capable L1 expression
    (The 47th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan 2024)
  • MORE-RNAseq: a pipeline of quantifying the retrotransposition-capable L1 expression
    (KEY Forum: The 5th International Symposium & the 39th International Kumamoto Medical Bioscience Symposium 2024)
  • MORE-RNAseq: a pipeline for quantifying the expression levels from retrotransposition-capable L1s.
    (1st Asia&Pacific Bioinformatics Joint Conference 2024)
  • MORE-RNAseq: the qualifying retrotransposition-capable L1 expression pipelines
    (NEURO2024 (The 47th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS), The 67th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry (JSN), The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japanese society of Biological Psychiatry (JSBP), The 8th FAONS Congress) 2024)
  • Evaluation of retrotransposition-capable L1 expression in mouse models of autism using MORE-RNAseq
    (NEURO2024 (The 47th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS), The 67th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry (JSN), The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japanese society of Biological Psychiatry (JSBP), The 8th FAONS Congress) 2024)
Works (2):
  • MORE-RNAseq
    Yutaka Nakachi 2023 - 現在
  • MORE-reference
    Yutaka Nakachi 2023 - 現在
Professional career (1):
  • Ph.D. (Saitama Medical University)
Awards (1):
  • 2008/10 - CBI Annual Meeting 2008 International Symposium Award for the Best Poster of CBI Annual Meeting 2008 International Symposium Identification of Novel PPAR gamma Target Genes and Response Elements by Integrated Analysis of ChIP-on-chip and Microarray Expression Data during 3T3-L1 Adipocyte Differentiation.
Association Membership(s) (4):
Japanese Society of Gender Identity Disorder ,  The Molecular Biology Society of Japan ,  Japanese Society for Bioinformatics ,  Japanese Society of Biological Psychiatry
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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