J-GLOBAL ID:201101071936422447   Update date: Sep. 18, 2024

Makino Toshiaki

Makino Toshiaki
Affiliation and department:
Job title: 教授
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.phar.nagoya-cu.ac.jp/hp/syg/
Research field  (3): Internal medicine - General ,  Pharmaceuticals - chemistry and drug development ,  Clinical pharmacy
Research keywords  (10): 漢方薬 ,  生薬 ,  臨床生薬学 ,  中医学 ,  漢方医学 ,  Medicinal history ,  医薬品情報学 ,  Standardization ,  薬物相互作用 ,  トランスポーター
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (15):
  • 2023 - 2026 バンコマイシン耐性腸球菌感染に対する補中益気湯による薬剤感受性回復治療の提案
  • 2022 - 2025 大黄の修治による血流改善メカニズムの解明および漢方処方への応用
  • 2021 - 2024 Development of analytical kit for causative agent to cause licorice-induced pseudoaldosteronism
  • 2019 - 2022 Development of goshajinkigan products for the prevention of sarcopenia
  • 2019 - 2022 Trial of combined use of Kampo medicine for pneumococcal vaccine therapy-Proposal of a new treatment aiming at enhancement of antibody titer
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Papers (253):
  • Ryota Sakoda, Kan'ichiro Ishiuchi, Tetsuhiro Yoshino, Yuna Tsunoo, Takao Namiki, Keiko Ogawa-Ochiai, Kiyoshi Minamizawa, Koichi Fukunaga, Kenji Watanabe, Toshiaki Makino. 3-epi-18β-glycyrrhetinic acid or its glucuronide, the metabolites of glycyrrhizinic acid with individual differences, correlated with diagnostic maker for licorice-induced pseudoaldosteronism in humans. Drug Metabolism and Disposition. 2024
  • Xiaohang Zhou, Hui Sun, Junling Ren, Guangli Yan, Le Yang, Honglian Zhang, Haitao Lu, Xinghua Li, Toshiaki Makino, Fengting Yin, Jing Li, Xijun Wang. Mineral crude drugmirabilite (Mangxiao) inhibits the occurrence of colorectal cancer by regulating the Lactobacillus-bile acid-intestinal farnesoid X receptor axis based onmultiomics integration analysis. 2024. 5. e556
  • Madoka Niiya, Yota Shimato, Takamasa Ohno, Toshiaki Makino. Effects of Hovenia dulcis fruit and peduncle extract on alcohol metabolism. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2024. 321. 117541
  • Muneshige Tokugawa, Yasumichi Inoue, Hiromasa Aoki, Chiharu Miyajima, Kan'ichiro Ishiuchi, Kento Tsurumi, Chisane Kujirai, Daisuke Morishita, Michiyo Matsuno, Hajime Mizukami, et al. Involvement of cardiac glycosides targeting Na/K-ATPase in their inhibitory effects on c-Myc expression via its transcription, translation, and proteasomal degradation. Journal of Biochemistry. 2024. 175. 3. 253-263
  • Misato Ota, Yuki Oiwa, Yasuhito Maki, Ichiro Utaka, Sachie Arima, Yoichi Matsuo, Toshiaki Makino, Shunsuke Nojiri. Safety evaluation of continuous administration of a high dose of Valeriana fauriei root extract in mice and in humans through an open-label study. Traditional & Kampo Medicine. 2023. 10. 269-277
MISC (57):
  • 牧野 利明, 関根 麻理子, 嶋田 沙織, 田中 耕一郎, 地野 充時, 田原 英一, 鍋島 茂樹. 漢方診療における漢方製剤の多剤併用(ポリファーマシー)の問題 医療安全委員会報告. 日本東洋医学雑誌. 2024. 75. 2. 144-151
  • 牧野 利明, 南 正明. 辛夷清肺湯の基礎・臨床研究に関する最近の動向. 漢方と最新治療. 2024. 33. 1. 39-48
  • 牧野 利明. 生薬ハンゲの修治に関する薬史学的研究. 日本医史学雑誌. 2023. 69. 3. 344-345
  • 松岡 尚則, 永塚 憲治, 別府 正志, 牧野 利明. モグサの起原植物・植物名についての一考察. 藤門医林. 2023. 35. 40-43
  • 笛木 司, 田中 耕一郎, 並木 隆雄, 牧野 利明. ハンゲのイガイガについての最近の知見 生姜で本当にイガイガは治るのか. 漢方の臨床. 2023. 70. 6. 589-600
Books (6):
  • Textbook of Pharmacognosy
    2021 ISBN:9784524403899
  • 新訂生薬学(改訂第8版増補)
    南江堂 2018 ISBN:4524403620
  • 新訂生薬学(改訂第8版)
    南江堂 2017 ISBN:4524403418
  • 現代医療における漢方薬
    南江堂 2016 ISBN:9784524403141
  • いまさら聞けない生薬・漢方薬
    医薬経済社 2015 ISBN:4902968533
Education (2):
  • 1995 - 2000 Kyoto University Graduate School of pharmaceutical Science
  • 1991 - 1995 Kyoto University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(薬学) (京都大学)
Work history (6):
  • 2014/04 - 現在 Graduate school of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University Professor
  • 2007/04 - 2014/03 Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University Associate professor
  • 2005/04 - 2007/03 Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University Lecturer
  • 2004/04 - 2005/03 Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University School of Pharmacy Lecture
  • 2003/10 - 2004/09 Natural Product Research Center, University of Mississippi Visiting scholar
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Committee career (27):
  • 2022/04 - 現在 Japanese Liaison of Oriental Medicine Chair of Committee 3
  • 2021/05 - 現在 Frontiers in Pharmacology Editor
  • 2019/07 - 現在 Molecules Editor
  • 2019/05 - 現在 Scientific Reports Associate Editor
  • 2018/04 - 現在 Evidence for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Editor
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Awards (13):
  • 2024/09 - Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy Best Paper Award 2024
  • 2024/04 - Japanese Society of Medicinal History 2024 Encouragement Award
  • 2023/09 - Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy Best Paper Award 2023
  • 2021/09 - Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy Best Paper Award 2021 The acrid raphides in tuberous root of Pinellia ternata have lipophilic character and are specifically denatured by ginger extract
  • 2020/09 - Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy Academic Contribution Award Exploration for the causal compounds of licorice-induced pseudoaldosteronism
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Association Membership(s) (11):
Japanese Society of Pharmacology ,  Japanese Society of Food Chemistry ,  日本薬物動態学会 ,  日本医療薬学会 ,  国際東洋医学会 ,  日本社会薬学会 ,  日本薬史学会 ,  日本東洋医学会 ,  和漢医薬学会 ,  日本生薬学会 ,  日本薬学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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