J-GLOBAL ID:201101079160975662
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024
Cheng Kang
Cheng Kang
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Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Neuroscience - general
Research keywords (11):
, 高解像度fMRI
, 連続刺激
, ランダムドット
, MT野
, ヒト
, 事象関連fMRI実験課題
, 順応
, 方向選択性コラム
, 包括脳ネットワーク
, 統合脳・脳の高次機能学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2008 - 2009 Study of Columnar Structures in Human Inferotemoral Cortex Using High-Field fMRI
2008 - 2009 高磁場fMRIによるMT分野のコラム構造に関する研究
2006 - 2007 高磁場fMRIによるMT分野のコラム構造に関する研究
Papers (4):
Satohiro Tajima, Masataka Watanabe, Chihiro Imai, Kenichi Ueno, Takeshi Asamizuya, Pei Sun, Keiji Tanaka, Kang Cheng. Opposing Effects of Contextual Surround in Human Early Visual Cortex Revealed by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Continuously Modulated Visual Stimuli. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 2010. 30. 9. 3264-3270
Pei Sun, Kenichi Ueno, R. Allen Waggoner, Justin L. Gardner, Keiji Tanaka, Kang Cheng. A temporal frequency-dependent functional architecture in human V1 revealed by high-resolution fMRI. NATURE NEUROSCIENCE. 2007. 10. 11. 1404-1406
JL Gardner, P Sun, RA Waggoner, K Ueno, K Tanaka, K Cheng. Contrast adaptation and representation in human early visual cortex. NEURON. 2005. 47. 4. 607-620
K Cheng, RA Waggoner, K Tanaka. Human ocular dominance columns as revealed by high-field functional magnetic resonance imaging. NEURON. 2001. 32. 2. 359-374
MISC (2):
程康, 上野賢一, 田中啓治. 超高磁場脳機能画像 (特集・脳科学が求める先端技術). 生体の科学. 2006. 57. 4. 305-309
程康. ヒト視覚野の高磁場fMRI研究. 日本眼科學会雜誌 = Journal of Japanese Ophthalmological Society. 2004. 108
Work history (2):
2006 - 2009 RIKEN
2006 - 2007 RIKEN
Association Membership(s) (4):
Japan Neuroscience Society
, Organization of Human Brain Mapping
, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
, Society of Neuroscience
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